"It's the mailman." She opened the door.

I heard their faint conversation, and then she came back, with a small box. "Just something my parents sent."

I studied her. I knew I was supposed to be leaving but I had a couple questions. "So Malik's dead," I stated.


"Don't you think you should go back home so your folks can help you?"

"Help me with what?"

"Your pregnancy." Duh.

"I'm not planning on keeping it." I could tell from her expression her mind was made up.

"Well damn."

"Actually... I wasn't gonna mention it, but does Devonte have a brother? Named Andre?"

"Yeah." I scratched my chin, wondering where she was going with this.

"He showed up to my place. He was saying Malik's mom wouldn't want me to get rid of the baby. He was saying I might be in danger again."

I jumped up. "Oh hell nah! Nope. I'm out. I ain't about this life girl, I play basketball, and I get hoes, that's all, I aint no thug. Malik momma involved? Nah, I'm good. Yeah call up Andre, his big ass, maybe he can help you." I was halfway to the front door.

"What? Where are you going?"

I turned around, and mugged her. "Did I stutter? You need to get the fuck outta Indiana!"

"I can't go back!" She was yelling. "I can't go back to my parents and admit I failed, that I couldn't cut it in Indiana!"

"Wanna go back home in a fucking body bag? Oh, maybe you prefer a casket? Open or closed?" I shook my head, eyeing her. She was playing with fire and I ain't wanna get burned. "This shit ain't a game! I ain't grow up in the streets, but I know what it is. The streets is death."

That was the problem with girls these days. They thought shit was cute, messing with dope boys and hustlers. But everybody wasn't gonna survive in that type of world.

I lowered my voice. "Amari, I care about you, way more than you'll ever care about me. And that's why I'm telling you, it ain't worth it. You fucked up. If that's really Malik's child-"

"It is," she snapped.

"If that's really Malik's child, staying here means you might not be making your own choices."

This shit was not good. Malik's momma? That bitch was a loon. Like that's the level of crazy she was on. And who knew, Malik's death probably sent her all the way over the edge.

"She can't come after me. If she kills me, she'll kill the child. If what y'all saying is even true. When I called she seemed excited-"

"Called? You called that bitch?" I felt in my pockets for my phone. Pulling it out I dialed Devonte. He answered on the first ring.


"I got good news and bad news. Good news, I ain't the father."

"Aye, congratulations, nigga. Bad news?"

"Mari said she called Malik momma."

"She called Janice? Shit. Let me hit my pops." He hung up he phone.

"Dammit Mari. You so beautiful but so-"

"Stupid?" I could see tears shimmering in her eyes. "You was gonna call me stupid."

"Nah, I was gonna say so naive. But shit, stupid too." I needed to get the fuck off her couch. "Janice don't know where you stay, right?"

"No." There was another knock at the door. Now that I knew Janice might be apart of the equation I was on edge. I ain't like the sound of that knock. Shit was ominous.

My ass was right to be nervous. "It's Janice," Amari hissed.

"Don't open that shit!" My eyes darted. "Y'all got a back door in the kitchen?"

"Yeah, we do." Amari looked like she was gonna cry. Yeah, baby girl wasn't cut out for no thug life.

I moved as quietly as I could to the kitchen. And froze. I could see out the door, and there were two niggas out there. And they saw me.

Shit. Janice brought the goons. I put my back to them and started looking for a knife or something. Just as I slipped a slim knife into my pants, there was another knock.

"Amari honey, can we talk?" A voice called.

I walked back into the living room. "May as well open it. If she wanted to kill you, or me, we'd be dead. It's two niggas out back."

I adjusted the knife. Man, this was some bullshit. My ass been in plenty of fights, but not no damn knife fights. And I was positive Janice and her damn goons were armed. My slow ass was gonna bring a knife to a gun fight.

I sat down in the couch, again, as Amari unlocked the door. "Amari Love, so good to see you!" Janice descended on Mari with a hug. Looking uncomfortable, Amari hugged her back. "I wish it could be under better circumstances." She strode into the living room, with two ugly niggas trailing her. Janice wasn't a big woman. She was very innocent looking. Her face still hinted at youth as did her body. But it was her mind that was fucked up. She was dressed head to toe in black.

"We missed you at the funeral." She allowed a hint of her crazy to leak into the expression she gave Amari.

Amari actually looked guilty. "I...wasn't up to it."

"Now, now. Don't get upset, dear. Wouldn't want my grand baby to get upset too."

Amari nodded. Eyeing me, Janice spoke. "And who might this be?"

"He's just a friend. He was actually just leaving."

I mugged Amari. She really wanted me to leave her with Janice? It didn't matter because Janice shut that shit down. "Please, stay."

It wasn't a request, it was an order. Janice smiled. "Perhaps you can help me convince Amari...Love, you are much too young to carry this burden alone. Come stay with me, and I will help you. We can raise my grandson together."

So that was her game. She wanted some type of custody of the baby. Amari rubbed her arm. This shit was low key interesting as hell, except for the fact that I would probably end up tossed in a river somewhere when Janice was done. And where the fuck was a real thug nigga? Deondre, Andre, somebody with a fucking gun. I was too fine to be dying.

"I...I've been meaning to call you again. I lost the baby." Amari sniffled and I knew the tears were real. Shawty was crying scared tears not sad ones.

Janice tilted her head. "How convenient," she muttered. "Nonetheless, I need proof. Come dearie, off we go to the doctor. Mamma got you an appointment."

The two men that had been statues throughout this entire exchange began to edge forward. I felt for my knife. This bitch was on some kidnapping type shit.

"No." Amari steeled herself. Big mistake. Janice unleashed her crazy. But not on Amari.

On me.

"I said come with me." Lightening fast, she pulled out a gun. I tracked her movements. There was no way I could get my knife out in time. "I won't hurt you, but I'll shoot this nigga until he chokes on his blood."

"Hold up now, you ain't gotta do that," I said as
Amari screamed, "Okay, I'll go, I'll go!" Tears slid down her face. "I'll come with you, put the gun away."

But Janice ain't do that. Instead, Janice aimed the gun at me. And fired once. Then twice. Pain shot through me everywhere, then nowhere.

The last thing I heard was:

"Shudda came with me the first time I asked. Making me repeat myself. Bitch."

A/N: Thoughts?

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