Chapter 9- firefly

Start from the beginning

"Thank GOD! Where were you all day?! Blake has been going crazy, he's picking you up for your date in an hour!" I just roll my eyes and let Fawn drag me all the way back to my bedroom. I will never understand her need to look beautiful all the time. 

After an hour of Fawn scrambling around my room looking for an appropriate outfit she pushes me in front of the large mirror in my room. I am wearing shorts and a lilac, lace tank top. My silver hair is pulled back to a side braid and I am wearing soft makeup. 

"It really took you an hour to do this?" I say, not unkindly. 

"Yes, Lacey! I had to give you a natural makeup look that makes you look like you are trying, but not trying too hard! And I also had to give you a look of no makeup while also having makeup. It's hard work!" She says dramatically, flopping down onto my bed. 

"Sorry! You did an amazing job, thank you." I say, giving her a hug. 

"My brother will meet you at the front gates in a few minutes, GO!" She says, pushing me out of my own bedroom and slamming the door behind me. 

In 5 minutes I am standing outside of the castle gates. The sun is slowly starting to go down, where the hell is Blake?! After about another 5 minutes of waiting I have had enough. I start to walk back into the castle when Blake comes running out of the forest. 

"DON'T GO!" he yells at me and runs up to me. He is slightly dirty and not wearing a shirt. Fawn would panic if she saw how he looks. "You look amazing" He says simply and pulls me into a hug. I smile against him and he holds me to him until my heart starts to pick up speed. "Alright, we need to shift." he says. I just stare at him. 

"Really, where are you taking me?" I ask as he walks behind a nearby tree. 

"Just shift would you!" I hear the creak of his bones changing and I focus on my wolf form. Suddenly, I'm my small white wolf and Blake is standing in front of me...more like towering. Blake's wolf is huge and dark black. He has a pair of pants tied around his ankle like most wolves do so they have clothes after they shift back. "this way"  Blake mind links me and takes off into the forest. He is running incredibly fast, but I have a feeling he's holding back so I don't get too tired. The training has helped me and I can run further in my wolf form now. It's easier being in wolf form because I'm stronger and I don't get as tired. I run with Blake keeping up with him easily. 

" Don't hold back on my part, let' s race!"  I mind link him and he turns back to grin at me, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.  He picks up speed and the dirt begins to fly behind us. I pick up my speed too, going faster and faster. I'm smaller and lighter so I can run faster, I quickly overtake Blake, but I get tired quickly. I slow down a bit to give my racing heart some time to relax. I see a light peeking through the trees ahead of us and Blake slows down to a stop. 

"shift back, I'll be there in a second"  He mind links to me and I quickly shift into my human form. I smooth down my crazy hair which is no longer in a twisted braid and look down at my white dress. I walk barefoot over to the light and gasp when I see it. It's a large meadow with a picnic set up. A red and white blanket covers a large area of the grass and a picnic table sits on the ground along with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. The trees have sparkling lights covering them, making the place glow in the setting sun. I can smell Blake walking towards me, the fresh grass and mint is just so amazing to me. "You like?" he asks me, while wrapping his arms around my waist. I turn around and grin at him. 

"I love it, I'm in a beautiful setting with my one true love." His mouth pulls open in shock and I smile at him. 

"I-I..." I just laugh and pull out of his embrace. 

"my one true love...Food!" I say happily and sit down on the picnic basket. Blake mutters something under his breath and takes a seat next to me. He pours us each a glass of champagne and I let the bubbly liquid run down my throat. I'm not a big drinker, but I have an occasional glass of wine with dinner sometimes. In werewolf community the drinking age is 16, because it's so hard for a wolf to get drunk. Blake pulls out  a plate of various fruits, meats, cheeses and other foods. I take a strawberry and bite into it. I smile and lean back on the blanket, stuffing my face with delicious food. When we finish eating Blake packs everything away and I look up at the sky, the sun is starting to disappear now. "You did all of this?" I say after a while, just enjoying the silence. 

"Believe me, It was no problem at all. I would do anything for you Ignis." He says softly. I smile and scoot over to him so that our legs are touching. "Listen, I might not be the best mate ever. I'm rude and annoying and a total asshole most of the time. When it comes to you, Lace...I just, I'm speechless. You are so amazing and talented and beautiful and I don't deserve you." I turn around to look at him and I feel butterfly's in my stomach when I see his face. He's gazing at me the way Simon gazed at my mom. 

"I couldn't imagine my mate as anything less than you, Blake. You are amazing, thank you for this." I lie back against him and ignore my irregular heart beat. After a while the only sound is the wind blowing softly through the trees. The sun has completely gone, leaving us in the soft light of the twinkle lights on the trees. We sit in silence, and then suddenly the meadow lights up! Tiny little fireflies dance around the meadow, blinking beautifully. They softly fly around us, showing off their soft glow. I stand up and walk into the middle of the meadow and raise my hand out. A firefly floats down and lands on my palm, softly crawling across it like a soft kiss. It takes off and blinks. I laugh as they all start to blink in unison and then blink in patters, it cannot be natural. I look around the edge of the forest and for a second a movement catches my eye. I thought I saw a flash of long brown hair, but I could be mistaken. After a while, Blake joins me with the fireflies. 

"Amazing" I mumble as they dance around us. 

"...amazing" Blake mumbles back, I turn around to look at him but he's already staring at me. I walk closer to him until I can feel him breath fan my face. Slowly, as though not to break me he leans down. He presses our lips together softly, and we are dancing like the fireflies. Our lips moving like a beautiful ballet. I smile against his lips, It's my first kiss. My heart is hammering in my chest, but I couldn't care less. I can feel myself struggling for air, but I don't care. I pull back and lie my head on his chest and we stand together, watching the fireflies dance around us. 

Authors Note:

So they finally kissed, huh. I hope it was good enough, I'm not too experienced with writing romance stuff so I thought I'd try. It wasn't a super hot make out sesh, It was just them giving each other all they could. That's what I was going for anyway. Sorry for the longer wait than usual. The every other day updates are kinda hard for me to do right now, so let's just say I'll update a few times a week. Next update....Thursday? Maybe sooner, later? Let's say Thursday for now. Thanks for the lovely comments it makes my heart soar! Keep reading, commenting, voting, following, all that Jazz!


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