I could only see the blur now.

One I knew it to be Paul; the other, well that was something else.

I couldn't see what it was until Paul's wolf attack and was able to shove the creature until the blur became noticeable.

On one side of the area, Paul's wolf stood in attack mode, his ears pressed back, his canines exposed like razor-sharp knives, his fur erect, his feet pounding into the forest floor, preparing himself to attack again.

On the other side, something I had never seen before stood on its own two feet -a creature that looked like something from a horror movie. It stood on its hind legs before falling forward onto its front legs with a thud, but its paws looked like hands as they dug into the ground. It looked like a wolf, too, but it was bigger than Paul -harrier, and more vicious-looking. Its tail was bushy; its eyes were red as blood, its fangs just as sharp, perhaps even more so than Paul's. Sadly, whatever Paul had, this thing had twice as better. The only thing that came to mind what this thing could be was a werewolf.

It had to be.

I waited for some sort of reaction from either, but something unexpected happened before I could respond.

Paul was moving in my direction, and I couldn't understand why that was until I realized that the monster had spotted me. Either I was dead, or Paul would die before me. I didn't want to admit this, but I was sure by now that we were doomed.

We needed a miracle.


After explaining to Sam about my dream, he was on board on helping me find out what could be happening. I had to agree with him when he suggested we call on Bonnie and her other friends to help us. As much I hated them for getting us in this predicament, I realized that they could be my only hope in getting Brandon back -and soon.

With everyone gathering, it seemed that we were all at rut when it came to planning on what we could do. Every fucking plan came to a dead-end, and I wasn't too pleased with our strategies.

I knew there had to be a reason my wolf could see him and I couldn't, nor could Brandon see my but my wolf. When I brought it up to Bonnie, she was left clueless too. No one seemed to know how or why. That was until someone had finally spoken some truce that I could believe.

"It can't be the spiritual plains." Embry suggested, "You mentioned that your wolf was there Paul, right?" I nodded, the others listened, "well, according to our legends, our wolves remain on the plain where only lost spirits exist. A plain where there's no place for them to be until they can either be claimed or disposed of."

"But why would my wolf's spirit remain there if I claimed him when I phased?" I asked, annoyed.

"Have you tried phasing?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "No, not for a while to tell you the truth." I thought about it. "Even when I was pissed with Brandon, I felt like I didn't want to bother anymore."

"This could be bad," Jacob added. I stared at him, concerned. "Your imprint was in need Paul, and you've been rejecting him, you've been rejecting everything about you, including the warrior that helps you."

"That's impossible; I can still phase," I argued.

"Prove it." Jacob urged to annoy me.

"Fine!" I replied angered. "I will."

Try as I might, I couldn't. With every one of the pack's eyes watching me, I found myself standing in my shorts, with no hint or ability to change into the wolf I've grown to trust and need, and for once, I hadn't felt so damn empty.

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