Then it came to the matter of Tyler Lockwood. His lineage was discovered because his uncle came back into town, and the breed of werewolves returned to Forks. We were told that werewolves wouldn't really harm our kind, but that didn't mean that their animal instincts wouldn't kick in, and that meant testing us for their pleasure.

Before I was told to keep an eye on Tyler so he wouldn't fall to the curse, I was already too late the moment I had walked into his father's office to see him and Jeremy standing over a dead girl's body. I had no choice but to help them come up with a cover story, and call the police and tell them that a freak accident happened at Tyler's party.

Somehow, and for some reason, my grandma ordered me to keep a close eye on Tyler for his first shift. The full moon was more than two weeks away, and I had to learn how to help him control himself until then.

Neither of us liked being near each other in the beginning, but I had to tell him that I needed to help him get through this and help him control himself during his first shift. He didn't believe me until I had to tell him what I really was. But that became difficult at the moment because Caroline decided to involve herself too. But after dealing with Tyler for about a week with no response, I had no other choice but to paralyze him with pain, the same way Bonnie had shown Katherine.

I explained to him that his first shift would be a lot worse than the pain I was inflicting on him and if he didn't listen than I wouldn't be able to help him find a way to cope with this. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing, but after that, he began to trust me.

We became closer, that's the one thing I didn't plan.

But with it, came his anger issues, and somehow, I was able to handle it, but Caroline couldn't. She apologized to both of us and told Tyler that she thought she could handle it, then she left. This upset Tyler even more and frightened me in ways, but I still hung in there somehow. I hadn't known at the time that Tyler was crushing on Caroline, and having me around didn't help because that's when he told me I was his mistake.

That pissed me off and I made him suffer for what he said by practically shocking him into a coma. I told him that I was only there to help, and I would have left it wasn't for the fact that grandma told me the reasons that we may need him in the future. If we can form an alliance with Tyler and his future pack, then he'd be able to help us finally get rid of all the vampires in Mystic Falls.

I hated hearing that we were just building an army, and I had almost refused to go forth with it until my grandma finally told me how my parents died. I needed to avenge them in some way, and that would be finishing off what they started, by killing Katherine and the Salvatore's.

According to the story, neither vampire knew of my existence or the fact that I was the son of Andrew and Marie Call. I was the secret weapon that happened to inherit my parent's abilities.

With Tyler in the picture, I had to tell him of my ambition at one point, and he couldn't believe that I planned to get rid of the Salvatore's, especially when they almost seemed indestructible.

During the last week before his transition, our life stories became known to each other, and the closer we knew each other, the more I had realized that maybe Tyler was a good guy and that maybe, I was falling in love with him.

Once again, I had ended up with him, but this time in his bed. I figured we'd regret it all the next day, but it came to my surprise to know that he wanted me next to him for the whole night. From then on, I wasn't sure what the relationship status we held. It was hard to tell if we were friends or more than that. We hadn't really spoken about it, and the more time spent with him, I've seen a different side of Tyler.

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