Chapter 11- That Gut feeling

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A/N: So I've been absent for fuckin ages, I know and I wanted to say thank you for all you pests telling me to update. I had a lot of stuff to do and my head hasn't been in the right place. I am going to carry this on but it will have slow updates maybe not as long a 4-5 months (still sorry). I know you lot are wondering what happens next so wtf... Here ya go, it gonna be short but its just a filler until my brains up to speed.

Chapter 11:


Jacob's POV:

"SAY WHAT NOW! THE HELL IT AINT!" I think I spoke too soon. Looks like bullshits taking a nap.

*End of Recap* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Santo's POV:

I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Holy shit this ain't happening.

"I'm sorry that you had to find out this way man, but Craig tol' me that cray bitch is gonna give it up for adoption as soon as it's born... Unless the baby daddy shows up on the scene." Ray pauses for a moment, just aswell, my brain is clawin' at my brain to get out right now.

-In this case the baby daddy just happens to be you, so I would save the fuckin bawlin' for later and get your frightened balls out of yo' ass. Like NOW." Under any other circumstances I woulda backhanded him through this fuckin phone but he's right, I need to focus and decide what I'm bout to do now I'm in this totally fucked up situation.

"You still there bro?" Ray's voice brought me out of my train of thought. I sighed heavily and dragged my free hand through my short hair.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm still here, listen Ray I'll talk to you in a bit man 'ight? I need to talk to Jacob about this."

"Damn right you'll talk to Jacob, I ain't Goan sit here pretty like some damn trophy." I shot Jacob a quick glance after hearing his commentary in the background before I said goodbye to my idiot friend.

I stared at my phone for a lil minute as if it was its fault I got the news that could potentially ruin everything. I put it in my pocket and reluctantly took a seat at the edge of the couch with my head in my now sweaty hands.

I took a deep breath, as if it were gonna be my last. "Jake... I went an fucked up real bad this time."

Jacob's POV:

"Jake... I went an fucked up real bad this time." I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I made my way to Santo, placing my hands on his tense shoulders. I bent my head slightly to kiss him on the cheek lightly.

"Babe, the worst thing you tell me right now, is that you killed somebody and didn't get rid of the evidence. Coz that's a stupid thing to do, I mean come on! Who wouldn't make sure that all the evidence of the damn crime is gone?!" He chuckled at my sorry ass attempt to get him to crack a smile, but as fast as it arrived it was gone and he tensed up again.

I removed my hands from his shoulders with a sigh and sat in front of him on the carpet. "Hey look up at me." He hesitated before finally meeting my gaze.

"Is there not enough reassurance in the fact that if you had killed someone I'd still be by your side? Huh, care to explain what could be worse than murder?" I looks at him, tears welling in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He rubbed his hands together nervously before opening his mouth to speak.

"Jake, Chanel's baby... Its mine."Okay... I think I was more prepared for something along the lines of 'Jake I'm a drug lord', murder or even sparkly vampire, but for fucks sake. Really!?

A/N: Thankyou for pushing me to carry on with this story. I hope you enjoyed the short fill in Chapter. xxxLoudMouthxxx

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