To Be Noticed (Chapter9)-The Game

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Jacob's POV:

-How about...Hide and seek!?" I suddenly exclaimed. At my suggestion Santo's lips curved into a wide grin.

"You do know Jakey, that I always win at hide and seek right?" Someones getting cocky, but the way he said my name just then...damn he can be cocky with me whenever he wants.

"You sure? Im pretty good at the game too you know." I state, raising one eyebrow slightly in a teasing manner.

Santo gave me a look as if to say 'Oh so you wanna play like that huh?' He crawled over to me from the foot of my bed where he was sitting and got close enough so that his lips that I oh so badly wanted on mine right now, were practically caressing my ear. My breath quickened as he stayed in that position for another 5 seconds (trust me, I'm counting).

"Oh it's on..." He whispered in my ear with his husky voice. And just like that, the heat from his warm breath on my ear disappeared.

"I'll count to a hundred...hurry up...Perez." He said quietly. I just sat gawking at him, probably looking like a sitting duck.

"10."SHIT! He's counting already!? I got up as quick as my legs would let me and dashed for it...

I ran up the stairs like Death himself was chasing me, (curse myself for picking the room downstairs). I panicked when I got to the top coz I didn't have a fucking clue where I was gonna go.

Oh shoot! I ran into the nearest room which just happened to be the spare room and hid myself in the walk in closet, it had a little gap at the bottom of it so i'll be able to see his shadow if he comes into the room.

I sat down with my knees tucked to my chest and held my breath as if Santo was gonna hear me breathing from downstairs.


That's what his feet sounded like to me even though they were pretty light on the carpeted stairs of the Perez household. I dug my knees further into my chest nearly suffocating myself as I waited for Santo's approach into the room.

"100." He whispered as he reached the landing. I sat tight listening carefully as he moved from room to room. 

"I know you're up here somewhere Jake, an elephant could have been quieter going up those stairs." *That cheeky bitch, haha* I make sure not to laugh out loud coz I don't wanna be caught. It is way too hot in here! its starting to feel like a sauna. In frustration, I get my scrunchy from around my wrist and tie my hair up that way it wont be all in my face.

How long have I been sitting here? I pull my phone out of my pocket to look at the time. Huh? It's only 8:30, this day has gone by too slow. I listen closley for any sudden movements...was that the bathroom door being opened? I have a feeling its gonna be awhile till this n**ga finds me. Whats taking him so long?

I look back at my phone, 8:32...I wonder what's up on Insta? OMG! these half naked girls just frighten me, but then again all girls frighten me just the thought of even kissing one is enough to make me wanna gag. What is up with that duck face mahn!? What duck looks like a constipated teenage girl? Maybe I should take a selfie? I'm so bored.

Just as I'm about to take a picture I hear the door handle rattle.

*Oh, Dios mío, ayúdame a ocultar mi medio culo mexicano.*

*Oh my god, help me hide my half Mexican ass.*

 After a few seconds the handle stopped rattling and I hear the door slowly creep open, I move back into a corner of the wardrobe but in the process I felt a hanger jab into my leg.

“Ow!” I whisper screamed. I hope he didn’t hear that. At that last thought, one of the mirrored doors to the closet slowly slid open.

“Hear what?” I could just hear the sarcastic-ness oozing out of his voice; I need to stop thinking out loud. He ascended towards me and I stood up from my sitting position ASAP. Santo’s body cornered me further into the wall, he was close enough to hear my heartbeat. Coz I can guarantee it was loud as fuck right now. I held my breath as he scrutinized my face for a while as if trying to decide on something. Should I break the silence?

“San-.” I was cut off by his warm lips crashing onto mine, the kiss was full of passion and lust as if he’d been waiting a while to make a meal out of me. I kissed back automatically of course and very quickly it turned into a make out session. He lifted my legs around his waist and I let my cold hands travel up his shirt and caress his defined chest, earning a low moan that almost sounded like a growl from Santo’s throat. Now that got me excited.

The passion in the kiss was almost indescribable. I now had my back against the closet wall Santo proceeded to kiss down my neck, I tried to hold back a moan but it failed when he gripped firmly onto my hair. Such a guilty pleasure of mine, the way he was playing with my curls as he left what would be a visible hickey on my neck felt just heavenly. One of my hands found its way to the hem of his trousers and as I’m just about to undo his belt… My flipping phone goes off; you have to be shitting me. -__-

“I got my eyes on you,

You’re everything that I see.”

 I quickly unwrap myself from Santo’s arms panting like I’ve been running a marathon and search the floor for my phone… It’s my sister, ugh.

“H-ello.” I try to pace my breathing while taking a quick look at Santo, who looks like he’s just won the lottery, grinning from ear to ear.

“Hey Jake, Just phoning to tell you Imma be home in like 10 minutes, so get the place clean coz I ain’t got time for it today.” Why does she always feel the need to rant in my ear?

“Right, ok so no. Hey Jake how was your day? Huh?” I know, I’m being a sarcastic prick and she’s had a long day, blah, blah, blah. Oh well, the bitch ruined my moment.

“Es mejor ver la boca de Jacob, yo no tengo miedo de cortar el pelo mientras estás durmiendo lo sabes. ¿Usted quiere ver como usted ha puntas abiertas en la mañana?”

= “You better watch your mouth Jacob, I'm not afraid to cut your hair while you’re sleeping you know. Do you want to look like you have split ends in the morning?” This bitch is evil when she’s tired, there is no way I’m gonna risk that.

“No, nos vemos pronto entonces.”

=“No, I’ll see you soon then.” With that being said, I hung up the phone.

“You sound way sexy speaking in Spanish Jake.” I looked up at Santo.

“And you sound sexy saying my name, but then again you sound sexy all the time." He chuckled at my little statement a bit.

“You find my voice sexy?” He raised his eyebrow at me as if to say he didn’t believe it.

“Well… uh, can we carry this convo oh I don’t know, outside of the closet maybe?” I ask trying to divert the attention to the fact that were in a confined space together. Not that I didn’t like it. But I need air.  

“Sure that sounds good.” He grins at me slightly before moving out of my way so I could open the door.

I slide the closet door open, Omg fresh air is my new best friend. As I’m leaving the spare room I feel Santo’s strong arms place themselves around my waist. I turn my head to look at him and he lands a surprise kiss on my lips, I wonder what’s going on in that head of his? I hope I find out soon…

A/N; I am so sorry that my update is way later than I expected, I had really bad writers block. But I bet there alot of people who were waiting for this chapter so here you go...nearly four weeks late, but I didnt want to post something that wasnt worthy of even being posted. Sorry for any mistakes. -LoudMouth

-The girl on the side is Jacobs sister in the story played by Jessica alba...

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