To Be Noticed (BoyxBoy Jåŷśänto)

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Jacobs POV:

Uugh! Why does he have to be so distracting!? Right now I'm sitting in maths, which is usually one of my best subjects and I cant concentrate. He just sits there. Head back, biting his pen looking into thin air. The guy I'm talking about?  

Well its none other than Chresanto August. Yes; the perfectly built,scrumptious jock. 

But I like to call him Santo, not to his face though! Im sure he doesn't even know I exist...and besides, Even if he did know me he wouldn't like me. I'm not even sure he rolls that way.

See, he's a popular along with his other friends Ray and Craig, there all adorable and cute in there own way but Santo is the one for me. The trio have girls drooling over them. Those groupies are so thirsty you would think we up in the Sahara desert or some sh*t.

Anywhore, I'm getting off track here. What I'm trying to say is. Why would he notice me? Im A wallflower, nothing special. Only thing cool about me is my style and originality. Its the only reason I'm noticed round here. Well, that and my afro is kinda hard to miss.

"Jacob! Jake! PEREZ!"

"What!?" I turned my attention to where the shouting was coming from. It was my best friend Rashay. What the hell does this chick want?

"Class is finished and your blexican ass is still sitting an empty class!"

"Oh. My bad, I was just uh...thinking." Rashay shoots me a knowing look.

"Just come on. Your wasting my lunch period."

I picked up my stuff and headed out the class behind Rashay. As we got to the cafeteria, I couldn't help but groan. This is not one of my favourite places. But Rashay on the other hand? Well lunch time is just another excuse for her to stare at Ray. From afar of course. We both have that problem of not being noticed I guess. But at least we don't get bullied. I'm thankful for that.

"What are you getting Shay?" I asked her once we were sat at a table.

"Nothing, I'm not hungry. You?"

I was looking around the cafeteria when I saw this høë all up on Santo. But that wasn't what was bothering me. What was up was the fact that they were sucking face. Like practically eating each other!

"Um same as you. I think I just lost my appetite." I replied while getting my things and heading out of the school, Rashay hot on my heels.

"Jake, wait!" She shouted after me. I stopped in the car park and waited for her to catch up.

"What was all that about?" She asks with concern in her eyes.

Tears started to form in my eyes just thinking about it."Im sick of loving someone who will never love me back!" I shouted while crying. I pulled at my wild hair while pacing back and forth.

"Jake!" Shay shouted gripping hold of my shoulders and standing in front of me.  

"If he cant notice what he's missing,lets make him notice you." She said with a sly smile.

"What do you mean 'make him' how can we do that?" This girl is crazy, now I'm confused.

"You wanna be noticed? Then lets make ourselves stand out. Without changing our style or originality of course...look at it as...enhancing it."

"Thats a great plan! Now I know why were friends." I said with an eyebrow raised. 

"So where do we start?" I asked my crazy bestie.

To Be Noticed (BoyxBoy Jaysanto) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora