To Be noticed(Chapter 7)-Turn of Events

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"I think I'm gay, and I really like Jacob." I whisper loud enough for just us to hear. Ray's eyes Widen, He lifts his hand and...


Santo's POV:


He raises his hand, pats me on the back and shoots me an amused look.

"Seriously Santo, it took you this long to tell me?" Ray just grins at me.

"Huh? What do you mean 'this long'? You already knew?" I'm seriously confused at the moment.

"Well..yeah. You've been flirting with that Jacob dude for a while now..." He replies with a slight chuckle.

"And your not..freaked out by that at all?" I ask squinting my eyes at him.

He looks at me weirdly before speaking. "Why would I be, I mean...your still the same Santo I've known since I was knee high right?"

"Yeah." I reply warily, I don't know where this conversation is going.

"Well then. I have no reason to be freaked out. In fact, I think that you and Jacob would make a cute couple. Not the cutest though, that's me and Shay. But you would be cute." My cheeks warm up and I know for sure that I'm blushing.

"Thanks. Talking of couples, where are Craig and Jasmine?" I haven't seen them in school today.

"Oh yeah. I meant to tell you, Craig got sick and Jaz is staying home with him till he gets better." He says nonchalantly while drawing.

"How come your so calm? Aren't you worried?"

"Well nah, not really. Its Craig, its probably just the cold. And besides, if Jaz has anything to do with it, he'll be well in no time." Ray says looking up from his drawing to reassure me.

"Hm.. I guess, I mean Jaz is a really good girlfriend." She's just so loyal. If Craig ever hurt her, he must have to be sick or delusional, coz that girl is a saint.

Ray put his drawing in his bag and takes his phone out of his pocket. "Yo Santo, we've got like five minutes left off homeroom, where the teacher at?" Ray asks as he looks around the class.

I mimic his actions and take a look around the class. Ray's right, the teacher is no where to be seen. "I have no idea man." Just as I reply, our teacher Mrs Hannah walks into class fixing her shirt, hair and glasses. Her and her husband are maths teachers at the school and are notorious for being late for their classes, if you know what I mean. ;)

The whole class turn their attention to her as she hurriedly tried to make herself presentable. She heads to her desk and begins to read out the register as if she hadn't been missing for nearly the whole lesson.

"Abel Anderson!!"


"Chresanto August."

"Here." I replied, you get how the register works. Ray went back to playing a game on his phone, while I pulled out my phone from my pocket to listen to music.

*High For This: TheWeeknd*

You don't know whats in store

But you know what your here for

Close your eyes

Lay yourself beside me.

Hold on tight for this ride

We don't need no protection

Come alone

We don't need no attention.

To Be Noticed (BoyxBoy Jaysanto) Where stories live. Discover now