Chapter 23: Bobby

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Kitty and I look at each other. We both knew it was inevitable, but I still look at T'Challa with my mouth agape. He looks slightly irritated at our stupefied silence.

Hank interjects. "I've already developed your suits for the mission." He hands us folded up yellow and blue garments.

I open mine up in front of me. "Is this a leotard?" I ask skeptically.

Hank sighs. "It's a polymorphic, nano fabric specifically designed to suit your abilities. So no more wet clothing after you use your powers." He explains.

I narrow my eyes. "But it looks like some kind of ballerina suit. I don't want to look like Prince skinny suit here." T'Challa glares at me.

Hank sighs. "Loose clothing is not ideal for missions..."

"Mission?" Scott asks. "What kind of mission?"

"They're going to Wakanda." Jean explains.

"Jean what did I say about privacy?" Charles raises an eyebrow.

"Sorry Professor."

"Where's Wakanda?"


"I've never heard of-"

"Enough!" T'Challa slams his hands on the table, his brown eyes ablaze with anger, silencing the table. "Every second we waste here, Ororo spends with her captures and Wakanda is closer to attack." He sends his seething look at me and for once I don't feel like retaliating. "Bobby, Kitty put the damn suits on, grab a sandwich and get on the jet. We leave in five minutes." He gets up quickly and marches out of the room. The rest of us are left in stunned silence.

"You heard the man." Charles says. He presses his fingers to his temple out of habit or stress, rubbing them in circles. "No you can not come Jean, you have not received the proper training. You and Scott will entertain yourselves by reading the textbooks Hank has provided for you."

"Textbooks? Do we get any?" Kitty asks. I groan I knew she would ask, I was really enjoying not dong work. Obviously she missed it.

"You resume school as soon as you return." Charles explains. Before anyone can say anything he adds, "I believe there are 4 minutes left." Then he wheels out with Hank.

"Are you all leaving?" Jean asks.

"Guess so." I get out of my chair. "See ya later, if we survive." I say jokingly. But an ominous silence over comes us, no one daring to say the obvious. I cough. "Well Kitty let's go." I put a hand on her back and lead her out of the dining room.

"Yo Iceman." I hear Scott's voice call as we step through the doorway.

I turn around to face his ruby red glasses. "Yeah?"

"Don't die okay? You too Kitty."

I nod and with that we leave to our probable deaths with small grins piercing the gloom. 


I check out my reflection, two minutes later than the 5 minutes T'Challa was so adamant about earlier. Well I need to make sure I don't look dumb in the polymorphic whatever, leotard. It's bright blue with an almost highlighter yellow 'X' drawn from my shoulder to my waist across my chest. Like Hank promised it's pretty tight, but not like a ballerina. Instead it fits perfectly, like a compression tank I would bring to the gym, except for my whole body. It outlines the muscles I worked to build and even had extra padding for my you-know-what.

After some flexing I make my way to the danger room. This time I take the elevator hidden behind a bookshelf. I meet everyone else waiting for me. T'Challa has his mask on but even I can tell he's glaring at me.

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