Chapter 13: Ororo

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I find that I kind of like Kitty. She's really easy to talk to and even though we don't know each other very well I feel like we have a lot we can relate to. So after the initial shock of the previous attack, we spend the rest of the jet ride talking. She explains the situation with the Emma Frost and I decide that I don't have much to lose with getting whatever help she's offering, at least for a while.

Then we talk about other things, random things really. It's the first time in a long time I've genuinely had a conversation with someone. Well except T'Challa, but he's a different story.

"By the way I think your hair is pretty sick." Kitty says. "Did you dye it?"

I look at her, confused. "What are you talking about?" I pull my hair in front of me and let out a slight gasp when it comes out white.

"Oh I didn't know, you didn't know-" Kitty starts to apologize.

"No it's okay." In a way I'm kind of glad. It reminds me of my mother's hair. I remember what T'Challa said about my hair not being white. I guess now I'm getting more of my mother's inheritance. "I like it."

Kitty nods, "Me too." Then she says, "So when did you first find out you could..." Kitty waves her hand in the air, we both know what she means.

"About 3 days ago." I reply. "I was almost assassinated by an African warrior." And kissed by another, but I leave that part out.

Kitty's eyes widen. "No way." She says laughing. "That's crazy you've got to elaborate."

"Well I was trying to get to my grand parents house-"

Kitty scoffs. "What?" I ask.

"You're literally the living embodiment of Little Red Riding Hood." With a grin.

I roll my eyes and continue. "Anyway, then there were these darts. And my horse was shot down so I was thrown to the ground. By this time it was pouring, I didn't know I was causing it, then I took the guy by the neck and forced him to tell me who sent him. But then he poisoned himself and died." I skip the part about how I almost electrocuted T'Challa and everything about him all together, I'm pretty sure he wants a to remain a secret and I don't want to be the one to let him down. Then I skip to the part about how I ended up in jail, getting less and less excited.

"So where's your horse?" Kitty asks.

A wave of longing passes over me. "I don't know. They wouldn't tell me, but as soon as we meet this Ms. Frost I'm going to find out."

Kitty nods. "That's pretty cool. My story isn't as interesting."

"What happened?"

Kitty explains how she fried the computers in her computer science class and almost fell down the ropes in gym class. I laugh at the last part.

"What!" She says, feigning offense. "It was actually scary!" But even she can't help giggling and soon we give up to fits of laughter, my gut threatening to burst.

Soon, somewhere near the end of our laugh attack, the jet starts to land. I look out the window and my breath is taken away. Even though it's dark outside I can tell we have arrived at a huge compound. I can see several buildings, each one at least ten times bigger than the sheriff station. Most of the lights are off but some of them blaze in contrast to the dark night revealing old-styled brick walls.

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