Miranda's arrival in Jackson's pack had caused the whole stupid argument between him and Chesca and the ensuing accident in the first place.
But Kaiden's words the other day and last night were telling her he might in fact really care about her, and be in it for the long run. He didn't seem intent on rejecting Chesca anytime soon. But the other extreme—liking her for her pack only, and using their bond as a means of gaining total control—was just as likely, and twice as dangerous.

All this thinking was giving her a headache. And all this stress-eating was making her fat, she groaned as she saw her reflection in the polished fridge doors. She poked her tummy and screwed up her face.

Chucking the Nutella back in the pantry, Chesca quickly went upstairs and threw on her workout clothes.
It was only a few minutes later that she was running along the sand by the waves, feeling the cool breeze on her skin and the tingle of the sun as it cast its rays further across the land. The salty air cleared her mind, and she sung a song in her head to push thoughts of Kaiden out.

Seagulls were her only company until the sound of footsteps reached her ears.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Jackson! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She jumped and spun at the deep voice that rumbled beside her. "Shouldn't you be in bed nursing a hangover? Or did your girl for the night kick you out already?"

"Very funny. You're very funny, Chesca," he drawled. "Contrary to how bad the tabloids make me out to be, I barely get drunk at my parties. I hold my alcohol very well."

"Really? I find that hard to believe."

His eyes twinkled down at her with mischief. "And I'm not sleeping with anyone currently. I'm.... I'm waiting for my mate."

"Oh, and you decide that now?"

"I guess your good-girl morals have rubbed off on me."

"Ha, undoubtedly," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "No, I don't have any influence over any Alphas. My pack maybe, but not Alphas."

"You'd be surprised."

She cut him a questioning sideways glanced, but he just smiled knowingly, something that twisted her insides strangely. It was frightening how Jackson could still have that effect on her.

They jogged together in silence for a few minutes, then Jackson broke it abruptly just when her thoughts had resettled.
"So, you and Kaiden, huh? You got your tall, dark, and handsome after all. Should I be expecting pup news any time soon?"

"I don't....Huh?!"

"You know what I mean," he winked with a sly grin.

"Oh! Uhh ...um no.. We haven't even—that is, I mean to say, we are....oh goodness," she blushed fiercely at the surprise on Jackson's face. "You probably think I'm an idiot now."

"No actually. I think you're smart. Completing the mate bond is a big deal."

"Says you," she pointed out. Everyone knew how much of a playboy he was, and hadn't in any way saved himself for his mate.

He shrugged. "That was the old me. But back to you, how well do you know Kaiden anyway?"

"Well, he's an Alpha, and his dad and brother are jerks," she replied offhandedly.

"Aren't we all?" Jackson snickered.

"Whatever," she dismissed with a flick of her wrist and a smirk. "But I think Kaiden is different. He's ...growing on me."

"I think you should still be careful."

"Careful?" She was suddenly defensive. "What do you mean?"

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