Chapter 24

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Dallas watched with wide eyes as Lilith's eyes began to close slowly, her usual bright green eyes fading to dull as her lids closed over them. Dallas wanted to yell, scream, move and push the Beast off of her, but he could barely keep himself awake as he gripped his sides to keep the blood from spilling out. His eyes pooled with tears as the creature stood, carrying Lilith's limp body in his arms, and in the next second, the water walls Lilith had formed dropped and the Beast had disappeared out the broken windows without a trace. Luke and James entered the room, cursing as Dallas tried to sit up. Ash quickly followed, obeying his masters orders as Olive wrapped herself tightly around Dallas's mid section, keeping any more blood from spilling out onto the floor as Ash lowered his large body, nudging Luke as he did so.

Luke stared at Dallas with wide eyes as James moved around the room, cursing unknown words as he slammed his fist against the wall. Ash made a deep sound and nudged Luke again, snapping him out of his trance as he quickly moved and lifted Dallas off the ground, gently placing him on the large animals back. Once he was situated, Ash didn't waste a second as he too took off out the window and towards the infirmary, moving past the curious and scared stares of the camp members. Dallas could hear a faint whimper from Ash, and it caused the tears that were pooling at Dallas's eyes to slip out as darkness grabbed a hold out him, taking him in like an old friend.


Lilith was numb and tired, her throat hoarse from screaming as she hung from the rocky ceiling above her. She'd lost track of how long she'd been down there, prodded and tortured by her kidnapper as he ignored her screams and pleas for him to stop. He'd finally taken a break and left the room, leaving her there to hang.

Her feet were chained to the cement floor and her arms were stretched out above her head in the shape of a 'Y'. Blood dripped from her lips, eyes, ears and nose as well as other parts of her body. Lilith couldn't see in the dark room, but she was sure she was half naked, dressed in only her undergarments. After being experimented on for so long, Lilith had given up on keeping upright and was now using the support of the chains to hold her up, and she was sure the weight pulled one of her arms out of its socket.

She sat like that for a few hours, or days, she wasn't sure. The room was so dark and damp she'd lost track of everything in there.But after what felt like years, the creaking door opened once more, the soft light from the outside blinding her. Lilith groaned and attempted to stand straight once more, not lifting her head.

"Did you sleep well, halfbreed?" The creature spoke as he chuckled darkly and moved towards Lilith, and without any warning, her grabbed her jaw and opened her mouth, shoving something soft in it before closing it.

"Eat. Now. I can't have you passing out when I'm so close to getting it out of you." He ordered as Lilith whimpered, shaking her head. The Beast growled and slammed his fist into her stomach, causing her to gasp and groan as she quickly swallowed the piece of bread he'd shoved into her mouth. The creature nodded in approval and poured water into her mouth, watching as she swallowed that too before turning on the dull light in the room and walking over to a small table in the corner. Lilith groaned and squinted, taking a quick look around the room. It was empty aside from the table full of different types of tools and needles and a chair situated in front of her limp body. Lilith whimpered once more and dropped her head again, too weak to hold it up any longer.

"Why are you doing this to me? I've already showed you everything I can do, there's nothing more you can get out of me..." Lilith groaned quietly, her voice raspy as she adjusted herself on the chains, wincing in pain. The creature chuckled and shook his head, turning towards her with his hands out and his nails dripping with some sort of fluid.

"Oh little halfbreed, I'm not trying to pull any more abilities out of you. I'm trying to pull the other part of you out. Why do you think Elves tried everything to get rid of the Fae as quickly as possible? They weren't labeled as the strongest beings in the world for nothing." He spoke as he stood in front of her, grinning widely as he traced part of her wings tattoo with his nail, in which she revolted at.

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