"Now who is this boss guy I keep hearing about, hmm? And what exactly does he want with me?" She demanded in a low, angry voice, pressing the blade against his neck harder, drawing blood. The elf simply chuckled darkly, and before Lilith knew it, she was throw against the rock, feet off the ground and pressed against the sharp edges of it. Gasping out, Lilith tried to free herself, but realized nothing was holding her down but the wind. Her eyes widened, realizing the elf before her was a wind master. She hissed loudly as the strong winds around her torso cut her arms up, drawing blood in a few different places and ripping her sleeves.

The elf moved to stand in front of her, his expression filled with anger and amusement at the same time. Reaching up, he rubbed a dirty finger against one of the cuts forming on her arm, causing her to wince and attempt to pull away. Grinning, he licked the blood off of his finger and moaned in appreciation, licking his lips.

"Boy, half bloods do taste delicious." The elf grinned ever more and pressed her further against the rock, causing Lilith to cry out as one of the sharp edges pierced the skin on her lower back.

"What do you want from me!?" She cried out, kicking her legs to try and free herself from the hold of the wind. At the corner of her eye she saw Ash charge at the Elf, but before he could make it, he was thrown to the ground by the wolf and Lilith's heart ached, not wanting anything to happen to her familiar.

"It's not me that wants you, it's boss. He's been dying to get his hands on you for so long." Lilith looked back at the Elf as he spoke and attempted to kick at him.

"Who is this boss of yours and why does he want me!?" She yelled, trying not to focus on her familiar fighting the large wolf only feet away.

"Because you're special, Lilith. Oh so special. You're the only one of your kind; Half Fae, Half Elf. It's quite rare, considering the Fae species has been wiped out for years. He wants you for his own." He said the last part in her ear and she growled, spitting in his face before slamming her forehead down on his own. It hurt, but it caught him off guard and gave her enough time to counteract the wind with the earth. The rock grew behind her and pushed her through the wind and to the ground. Stumbling, she called out her sword once more and kicked the side of the elf, causing him to grunt in slight pain. Grabbing the hilt of the sword with both hands, she moved to swing it down onto him but was met with another blade instead. The Elf glared hard at her as he used his sword to push her off of him, and suddenly she was flying through the hole in the rock. The hole was deep, and she was falling for a good second before she hit the ground with a hard thud, knocking the wind right out of her. She laid there for a second, her back arched and her mouth opened wide, gasping for air.

Sitting up quickly, she winced and moved a hand to the back of her head, and groaned when she felt the damp, warm feeling of blood on her hands. Standing up quickly, she grabbed her sword again and swung once more the moment the elf joined her in the hole. For a while, their swords clashed, throwing each other around as they battled to throw the other to the ground.

"You're strong, too. He'll like that." He grinned as they clashed swords again. Lilith groaned and pushed him back with great force, knocking him against the rock wall. When she ran to trap him between the wall and her blade, her steps were halted suddenly when two familiar figures in the corner of the hole caught her eye. Looking over, her eyes widened when she noticed her parents bodies lying limp on the ground, tied to a few pillars in the wall. Lilith gasped and moved to run towards them, but before she could reach them, she felt a sharp pain in her side, causing her to lose her breath for a second and stop moving. Looking down, she rested her hand over her bloody side and noticed the large, fresh gash oozing blood. The elf chuckled and grabbed the back of her neck, forcing her to her knees as he pressed his now bloody blade against her throat.

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