Lilith stood in the same spot for a good minute, tears streaming down her face as she repeated his words over and over again in her head, and the way it sounded coming out of his mouth. After a long while, she finally cleared her throat and slowly moved to close the door, but before she could close it all the way, she noticed James and Juno running towards her cabin. Rubbing the tears from her eyes, she opened the door wide once more and squinted.

"Lilith, we need you to come with us." James said once they'd reached the door. Lilith raised her brow and stepped out of her home, beckoning Olive mentally to join her outside. Olive obeyed and moments later was wrapped around her right thigh and hip once more.

"What's wrong? Something happen?" She asked, closing the door behind her as she followed them back to the headquarters of the camp, which is where all the chiefs gather when meeting. James simply shook his head while Juno stayed quiet, which worried her a little bit though she stayed quiet and continued following the Chiefs until they reached the wooden cabin. When they entered, Lilith's eyes widened at the many faces in the small room, some she was familiar with and some she wasn't. Cautiously, she stepped further into the room as Olive tightened herself around her thigh in nervousness.

"What's going on?" She finally asked, breaking the silence that fell upon her arrival. Someone in the back of the room cleared their throat and whispered to the person next to him, but she couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Lilith Sagewater, is it?" A woman asked from beside Shaka. Blinking, Lilith nodded and turned towards the woman. The woman was beautiful, tall and athletic looking, skin pale as snow and eyes bright as the ocean.

"I'm Octavia Thorn, the high priestess of the Kingdom of Krilaviel." She spoke, her voice confident and unwavering as she held out a strong hand for Lilith to take. Lilith blinked and all she could think was 'There's Elven Kingdoms?', though she held that thought back and took the Priestess's hand, shaking it firmly.

"Pleasure to meet you, High Priestess. If you don't mind me asking, why am I here?" Lilith said as their hands dropped back to their sides.

"You're here because of your parents, Lilith." A male said from behind the Priestess. Lilith raised a brow and looked at him, noticing he was wearing a full body of armor. Not metal armor like you see in the movies, but leather and chain as well as other materials she'd never seen before put together to create a protective, and very heavy looking, kind of armor.

"My apologies, Ms. Sagewater. My name is Theodas Pertris, head commander of the Krilaviel military. You're here because the camp your parents went on a mission to was attacked a week ago, a few days after we sent your parents out on that mission. We've yet to hear back from them since." The commander stated, causing Lilith's eyes to widen and heart to drop in fear as she glanced over at Shaka.

"B-But Shaka told me-" She started by Shaka shook his head and Juno ended up stepping in for him.

"We told you that to not worry you, but considering the time it's been since we've last heard from your parents, we decided it was time to tell you the truth." Lilith stayed silent for a moment, her head beginning to pound and her chest beginning to squeeze as she took the news in.

"Lilith-" James started but she instantly cut him off.

"Which camp did they go to?" She demanded, her voice shaky as she held back tears, fearing for her parents lives.

"Lilith we-"

"Which camp were they located at?" She repeated, her voice louder and more demanding as her cuff began to glow along with the veins in her arm, the bright light peering through her sleeves. She heard gasps travel across the room, but she ignored them, her eyes locked on the commanders. The commander sighed and opened his mouth to speak.

"They were located at the Moonlight camp in the west." He finally said. Lilith nodded and turned to leave but her arm was caught by James hand, pulling her back.

"Lilith, you need to stay within the camp lines, you can't go out there alone." He said, somewhat pleading. Lilith narrowed her eyes at him and yanked her arm from his grasp.

"My parents are out there, probably in need of help. I'm not going to just sit here idly and not do anything. I'm going and you can't do anything to stop me." She hissed and moved towards the doors once more, but before she could reach out to open them, two warriors moved to block her path, swords out and ready to fight if needed. Lilith sighed and glanced back at James, who had his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. Rolling her eyes, she looked back at the two warriors and before they could react, she'd knocked the swords out of both of their hands, startling them for a second, but as soon as they recovered, Lilith kicked the back of one guy's leg, knocking him to the ground. She pressed her boot hard against his chest to keep him from getting up. The other guy moved to grab his sword again but before he could Lilith flicked her wrist and her sword was in her hand in a flash, pressed against the warriors neck while Olives sharp fangs were pressed against the neck of the Warrior on the ground, ready to bite down on command. Lilith looked back at James and was satisfied to see the shocked look on his face as well as everyone else's, but before anyone could say anything, the large doors to the cabin opened, grabbing everyone's attention as the face of Dallas and Luke appeared. Dallas was the first one to react, his eyes wide at the sight of Lilith with the two Warriors in her grasp. The moment Lilith's eyes met with his, her heart burned even more, tears pooling at her vision once again, but before he could say anything, Lilith deactivated her sword and pushed the two men to the ground, before taking off in a run out of the cabin, pushing past Dallas and Luke as she did so.

"Wait, Lilith-" Dallas started but she ignored him and continued running, mentally calling out to Ash as she did so. No more than a second later, Ash was running out of the trees and towards her, falling into step with Lilith and allowing her to pull herself up and over the large mountain lion. As they entered the woods, she could faintly hear Dallas call her name once more, but it was drowned out as she was engulfed in leaves. Take me to the camp on the West, bud. My parents are in trouble. She spoke mentally to her main familiar, and in response, he grunted loudly and changed direction, picking up speed. As he did so, all Lilith could think about was her parents, and if they were already gone. If they were already forced out of her life. A single tear slipped out of her eye and into the chilly air, disappearing with the wind.

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