Jealousy // Thomas

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"Ow!" You cried, elbowing Minho back. Him being larger and stronger than you, he hardly blinked an eye. "You klunkhead, what was that for?"

"You're looking at him again!"

"Yeah, so? Since when is that different from every other day?"

"You haven't noticed?" Minho gaped in shock, placing a hand over his heart dramatically.

"Noticed what?" You asked cluelessly. "What are you talking about?"

"I swear, do I have to explain everything?" He said with a sassy tone. You arched a brow at him as he rolled his eyes. "Whenever your fellow competitor for Thomas's heart notices you staring, she scoots closer to him and amplifies her flirting. It's disgusting."

"Does she really?" You asked, angered by the fact that not only you couldn't touch him, but now you couldn't look at him either.

"You better believe it, honey." He remarked. "I might be a sarcastic slinthead but I'm not a liar."

"What a—"

"Thomas, hey! How's it goin' ya shank?"

Your eyes grew the slightest bit before returning to their normal size as you tried to make it look like you just were not talking about your surprise visitors. You grinned nervously as Thomas and Teresa sat across from you.

"I'm okay." Thomas shrugged, nodding, and you had to hold in the need to stare too intensely as his brown eyes flickered to you briefly before returning to Minho. "How are you guys?"

"We're good. We're great. Awesome, even. Spectacular." You felt a knee bounce into yours, and you knew that was a sign to slim it.

"Good." Thomas chuckled a bit, shoulders shaking as he did so. You coughed awkwardly, wiping the clamminess of your hands off on your pants. Why did you feel so uncomfortable around him all of a sudden? This is Thomas you're talking to.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Teresa asked you, feigning concern. She noticeably shuffled closer to Thomas, and you held back a scoff that so desperately wanted to break free.

"Just peachy." You smiled falsely, narrowing your eyes at her.

"Y/N, can we talk?" Thomas suddenly asked, tearing you from your glaring match with the blue-eyed beauty sat next to him.

"We are talking."

"In private, I mean."


"Yes, now."

Without another word he rose from his seat, pulling you from yours and dragging you off to who-knows-where. You spared a glance over your shoulder to send a panicked look to Minho. He did nothing but send you a thumbs up, a mischievous grin on his face.

Turning back to look forward, you bumped into Thomas's lean back as he made a sudden stop. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed that he had pulled you into a heavily wooded area.

"You're not going to kill me, are you?"

"Slim it, Y/N." He released your wrist, his face void of any emotion. "Why are you ignoring me?"

Your jaw dropped, eyes widening in shock. Had he really just said that to you?

"Me? Ignoring you? You can't be serious." You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. Shifting your weight to one leg, you continued. "Last time I checked, you were the one ignoring me for that slinthead."

"Slinthead? Who, Teresa?"

"No, Thomas. Obviously I'm referring to Gally. Anyone can see right through that hateful facade you harbor towards one another; pull back the curtain, and you can see that you're truly in love with him." You rolled your eyes, frustration building in your body like a tower of jenga blocks. Just one mistake is all it would take to send it tumbling down, materializing in the atmosphere and suffocating all. Your voice softened as you averted your gaze to the dirt-covered ground below you, sticking the toe of your boot into the soft earth. "Yes, who else?"

"Wait a minute." He said, seemingly more to himself than you. His voice decreased to that of a mere whisper. It was enough to make you lift your gaze back up. You were struck with confusion at the sight of the smirk slowly crawling over his lips.

"What?" You sighed in annoyance, heartbeat quickening as he took the few steps necessary to close the space between you.

"Are you jealous?" He grinned, and if you weren't so nervous the butterflies in your stomach would have had a stronger effect on you. "Of Teresa?"

You debated lying, but you realized that you couldn't hold onto this secret nesting inside of you any longer. It needed to be said to someone other than Minho. You could tell the entire glade right now if you could. You would run as fast as your legs would allow, stopping in the middle where all the gladers came to socialize. There, you would scream your admiration for the boy before you at the top of your lungs. You didn't care if he didn't reciprocate your love. You didn't care if the boys would tease you, hooting and hollering obnoxiously. All you wanted was for Thomas to know how you truly felt about him.

"Yeah, I am." You tried to stand tall, but suddenly felt small before him, readying yourself to tell him how you were jealous. Jealous that Teresa, a lying, conniving piece of shuck, is able to capture both Thomas's heart and eyes. How he now feels more inclined to hang out with her, laugh with her, talk with her, leaving you in the dust. "Incredibly, actually. I mean, how can I not? She's smart, beautiful, strong; pretty much all the things I'm not. We haven't hung out nearly as much as we used to. I miss you, Tommy. I just want things to go back to the way they were. When we were still best friends ... I love you."

Thomas's eyes all but widened after your speech, and you could tell he seemed conflicted with himself. You waited anxiously, your feet glued to their spot in the ground. You would not just walk away, especially not now. He could say anything at this moment. Anything to slice into the palpable silence, the noose of your existence.

"Thomas." You whispered, his eyes darting to yours. You communicated through your eyes to the best of your ability. Say something. Please.

But he didn't say anything. His lips were sewn shut by the words you spoke threading through him, in and out. Out and around. Out and in. The only difference is that, with a real thread, you can easily remove it. You couldn't take back your words. It was too late to back down. Too late to do anything but wait for Thomas to unknot the anxiety, your words, that laced his lips shut.

Instead of opening his mouth to speak, he leaned down and kissed you. He kissed you so hard you felt your lips would fall off. So hard that you were seeing stars is daylight. So incredibly hard that you felt your hands, knees, and stomach begin to tremble. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you reciprocated his action, your hands sliding up to run free in his hair. Your stomach turned into an entire battlefield as his hands slid down to the small of your back, pressing you tightly against him.

"I love you, too." He pulled away briefly, his lips brushing against yours, before diving back in. While your heart trembled with delight at your closeness, you had to break the kiss once more.

"What about Teresa?" You asked breathlessly, almost grinning at the sight of his swollen lips. You figured yours probably looked the same.

"There never was anything with Teresa." He explained, fingers brushing your sides tenderly. He pressed his forehead to yours, looking deeply into your eyes. Gazing fondly at you, he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and said, "You've always been the one for me. I'm almost positive Teresa likes me, and I like her, too. But it's not the same way I feel about her. You have absolutely no reason in the world to be jealous of her. Teresa is a great girl but you're the breathtakingly, drop dead gorgeous one. The incredibly smart one. The witty one. The kind-hearted one. The courageous one. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you this. I didn't think you'd feel the same way, so I began to distance myself."

"Yeah, and look where that got you." Minho shouted from behind a tree. You rolled your eyes, a smile still on your face. Thomas grinned down at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"Get outta here, you shank!"

You laughed genuinely, wondering how lucky you were to meet your soulmate so early into your life. In a world like the one you lived in, he was your paradise; your getaway; your safe haven. With him, you felt you were a stronger, better version of yourself. And all it took was one conversation in the woods to bring two hearts together. 

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt