Together // Stiles Stilinski

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4 Years Old.


Those were the pair of letters that suddenly decided to show up on your wrist. The second it had appeared, you were left in shock and slight terror. You took that confusion and brought it to your mom, asking her just what had happened to your wrist. It's not like you were old enough to get a tattoo, or old enough to even go out by yourself and buy just a temporary one. The perplexion once again overcame you as you watched your mother's eyes light up. You had never seen her this excited before. With a wide smile, she explained that those were the initials of your soulmate, the person that you would be spending the rest of your life with. The person that you would fall madly in love with. The person that you would never want to let go of.

With the same grin possessing her features, she had shown you her own set of initials printed on her wrist, the same place you had yours. Of course, she had your dad's initials there. Even though you didn't fully understand everything, you knew that it would catch on eventually.

You smiled at her.

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13 Years Old

You were going out to retrieve the mail later at night, when you were suddenly ambushed by these odd people with eyes red as fresh blood and fangs sharper than a knife.

Although you were terrified out of your mind when they grew dangerously close to your neck, you didn't scream, cry, anything. You were far too much in shock than anything perhaps. After they had drawn out some of your blood, you did the only thing you could. You ran.

Once you had successfully avoided your parents, you had ran upstairs to see you were already changing into one of those things. You collapsed onto the floor and cried your heart out, wondering how in the world you would be able to keep this secret from your parents, your friends, everyone. You also wondered how you were going to live through this, how you were going to deal with all of this problems by yourself. For the first time in your life, you felt alone.

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17 Years Old

Life was somewhat okay. Your parents were performing wonderfully at each of their jobs. You had finally began to grow closer to your friends, spending almost every day with them. However, you still didn't trust them enough to share your powers with them.


You had done some research, or at least enough to realize that you had, in fact, been attacked by vampires that one night. Not only that, but you also found out that they came with a rare collection of powers.

Super-speed. The ability to heal from anything. Immortality.

That part crushed you. What was the point of having a soulmate if you were forced to live years and years after they would die? Did another set of initials appear on your wrist overnight? Or were you just forced to live the rest of your life in reclusiveness?

You considered telling your parents, but you just knew they wouldn't understand. How would they take the fact that their very own child now had some messed up powers and was now some messed upcreature?

Not like you would have time to tell them anyways. At least not after they told you that you'd have tomove. They had apparently been doing so well at their jobs that they were offered a promotions. Those news very well could have been enough to take what was left of your heart and thrown it into a trash compactor. It wouldn't matter anyway, with your new immortality, you could live through that. That, or your heart could grow back as simple as the leg of a starfish can.

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