Home (Part 4) // Stiles Stilinski

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It took a minute for your eyes to adjust to the bright light. You scanned your surroundings, shuffling around on the soft bed you had been perched on. The pink blanket covering you confirmed that you certainly weren't at home. Your father also would have been watching over your sleeping form like a hawk if that were the case. Soft footsteps pulled your attention to the door, watching as Lydia stepped into view. She smiled softly, sitting down beside you.

"How're you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess." You shrugged, gladly accepting the glass of water she offered you. The cool water sliding down your throat had you more vigilant and attentive. Previous happenings that went down before you were greeted with darkness flashed through your mind. "Where's Stiles at?"

"Y/N, we told you he was at Eichen." Your strawberry-blonde friend furrowed her brows. "Surely, you should remember, considering your state right now. Especially because you decided to deliberately disobey us."

"Lyds, I'm sorry." You said sincerely, as if you were a child just scolded by their mother. Despite your remaining ounces of fatigue and guilt, you still had a feeling of merriment due to Lydia still caring about your well-being. Undeterred by how much you had put her through the last time you resided in Beacon Hills, she still treated you like the sister she never had the pleasure of having.

"We told you that it was dangerous!" She continued, shooting up from the bed and beginning to pace at a rapid fashion. "Void is dangerous! He could have killed you! He would have killed you if it weren't for that Malia girl pulling you out of there and calling one of us off of your phone!"

"Wait, what about Stiles?" You asked shyly, feeling bad for asking. Lydia's only concern seemed to be your safety, and you didn't want to upset her by changing the subject. She was the type of person to only be contempt until her whole opinion was expressed and out in the open.

"Sweetie," She cautiously sat back down, taking one of my clammy hands in hers. "Stiles isn't Stiles anymore. Not until we figure out how to get him back."

"But he was back." You argued. Had you really grown that attached to him that you had been hallucinating? "He helped me through my panic attack after I changed."

"No, that was all Malia." She smiled sympathetically. "Void ran off the second Malia pulled you out of that room. She told me that you kept mumbling his name. Did you think he was actually there?"

"Yeah, I swear he was." You frowned. He hadn't actually said any of those comforting words to you. He hadn't forgiven you. What if he never gets the chance to? Even worse, what if he doesn't want to?

"Well, he wasn't." She said softly, rubbing your shoulder with her free hand.

"Malia?" You changed the subject.

"She got caught by the workers there. They thought she was trying to escape. Allison and I got there just in time to come get you before they found her." Lydia explained, causing a wave of guilt and appreciation to breeze through you. She saved you. The girl that had stolen Stiles's heart had stolen your chances of getting into trouble as well.

"Is she okay?"

"I hope so. She seemed nice."

"She was."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"What exactly did Void say to you?" Allison asked, sitting down next to you in Lydia's living room. She had called the rest of the pack over saying that you were awake and okay. They all had rushed over within minutes. You felt comfortable in their presence.

"Nothing important, really." You lied, shaking your head. The last thing you wanted was for them to know about your true feelings towards Stiles, especially now because of him falling in love with Malia. It would be embarrassing not only for you, but for the pack as well.

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