Brains Over Beauty // Stiles Stilinski

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The world was in black and white. Anywhere you would turn, you'd see those same, dull colors staring back at you. According to your parents, you could only truly experience full color until you'd find out who your soulmate was.

Here was the twist: Your vision would continue to force you to see in black and white until you yourself would realize who you were meant to be with. You could spend your whole life standing side by side with your soulmate, and only when you'd find that out was when you'd see all the beautiful colors this world had to offer.

People hadn't begun to see you as a potential soulmate until your Sophomore Year. Everyone thought you were perfect and you had no idea why. Your supposedly soft hair and kind eyes were enough to send anyone's heart soaring through the entire solar system and back again. You would receive stares from strangers left and right. Now, when all of this had began, you were flattered. It was nice to be the center of attention at times. Plus, you had expected it to all blow over within the next upcoming months. Much to your chagrin, they never did.

"Hey, Y/N." Another guy—he had to have been the fourth one today—approached you. You had pretended to busy yourself with the belongings in your locker in desperate hopes that he would leave. Due to the next words that escaped his lips, you figured you must have forgotten your luck at home. "You busy tonight?"

"Yeah, sorry." You sent a fake frown in his direction, feigning disappointment and sadness. "I already made plans."

"Oh, really?" He didn't seem to believe you, staring intensely as if it would crack you like an egg instantly. He leaned in closer to you, apparently thinking that would make you change your mind. "Like what?"

Holding in the urge to gag, you allowed the first believable excuse that popped into your head to pour from your lips. "I'm ... washing my cat tonight."

"What?" For a moment, you thought he had given in to your bluff. "Wha—that makes no sense."

"Well, neither does why you expect me to go out with you. See you around, dude."

And with that, you shut your locker and began your route to class.

Normally, guilt would have flown through you like the Mississippi River for being that harsh. Apparently having to deal with this type of thing for two years helped you get thicker skin. You had always found it amusing that guys—and the occasional girl—assumed that constantly asking you out would eventually lead to you accepting their offer. Unfortunately for them, you will never say yes. At least not when your eyes are already dead-set on another guy.

"What was that about?" Stiles Stilinski, one of your best friends, started to walk beside you, syncing his pace with yours.

"Same as usual," You shrugged, feeling a little giddy now that you had his company. "Just another guy wanting to get in my pants."

"Jesus, when are these guys going to realize you're not interested?" He breathed, shaking his head. It almost seemed as if he were jealous. You then figured that you were looking into it too much. He could very well be doing nothing more than looking out for his best friend.

"You seem more worked up about this than me." You pointed out his odd behavior anyways, adding on a laugh at the end. "Are you okay?"

"It's just that ... all of these guys suddenly started pouncing at you after that night in the woods a few years back. Quite frankly, it annoys the crap out of me."

He wasn't wrong, for you had only began to earn everyone's attention after that one dreadful night in the woods. It was the night before our first day of Sophomore year when Stiles had dragged you and Scott into the woods to find a dead body of some sort. As frustrated as you had first been about being dragged out into the cold, you still managed to have some fun talking to your best friends.

Just as you had finally let all of your frustration go and felt comfortable there, this wolf had attacked you. Stiles was lucky enough to escape, thinking that you and Scott were right behind him. However, it had caught both of you, digging its sharp teeth into his abdomen and your arm. The bite transformed Scott into a legit werewolf, whereas, it hadn't affected you at all. It just disappeared the next day, leaving no scar behind. It looked as if it hadn't even been there at all.

Oddly enough, that was when people had began to notice you more. Everywhere you would look, you'd spot a different set of eyes on you. You had also noticed that Scott and Stiles began to look a lot more as well. It was almost like everyone was mesmerized by you all of a sudden.

A few months later, the eyes still hadn't stopped. You shared your concerns with Scott and Stiles, who both promised to help you figure out what you were. You, along with everyone else, knew you had to be something.

As more and more supernatural threats were thrown in your faces, one after the other, and you started to drown in the copious amounts of homework every night, any time for research was taken away. It was never at the top of anyone's priority list either, not even yours. In a way, you were fine with that. The safety of your friends was way more important than finding out what you were.

Now, during your Senior Year at Beacon Hills High, you were finally given some peace and quiet; no evil creatures attacking us, less homework. It was nice to feel like an actual teenager for once.

"Y/N?" Stiles pulled you from the deep abyss of your thoughts. You looked up into his caramel eyes that shone with concern. "Are you okay? You spaced out there for a second."

"Yeah," You answered quickly—possibly a little too quick due to the look of disbelief you had received in return. "No, really. I'm fine. I zoned out, that's all."

"Alright." He nodded, dropping the subject. You knew he still didn't believe you. That boy knew you like the back of his hand. At that moment, you didn't really care. The only thing capturing your attention was this odd feeling creeping through your entire being. As that feeling continued to settle in your stomach, you just knew that something bad was going to happen again.

Very soon.

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Ha. Anotha one for you lovely people. Yeah, I've been posting these on Tumblr as I've made them and the laziness sort of took over so that's why I'm uploading all of these now. 

Making it rain imagines up in this club.

This sad, three person club *insert weeping emoji because I'm doing this on my computer*

I went to a video game store the other day—because you can never have too many video games—and I asked the guy if there were any video games like The Last Of Us and Uncharted (those are my shit so if any of you like those let's fangirl together :D) and he's like "sure m8" and he gave me this game called Tomb Raider and it is literally the best I love it so much. Lara Croft is bae. I also love how they kill off all of my favorite characters in that game *sweats nervously* 

But yeah, if any of you are looking for a game to play, choose one of the previously mentioned ones if you have already beaten those. 

Also, I have no idea why I told you all of that but I just figured I'd share my obsession with video games with you I guess.

Check out my Tumblr because why not: sophisticatedstiles

Stay gold

Alexa :)

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang