Home (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski

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"With who? With Stiles?" You asked, your chest constricting. "What's wrong with him?"

Your friends all shared glances. A sigh escaped Scott's lips before he began to speak. "Stiles isn't really ... himself."

"By that you mean ..."

"Stiles has been possessed by a thousand year old Japanese spirit." Isaac breathed out.

"Possessed?!" You shouted. "How?"

"Well, do you remember when Allison, Scott, and Stiles died for that short amount of time in order to find their parents?" Lydia asked. You nodded. How could you? You were the poor soul who had to hold him under, right after he had kissed you for the second time.

"It apparently opened some kind of door in each of our minds; Scott was having trouble with control, I was seeing Aunt Kate, and Stiles was possessed." Allison continued.

"So, you two are okay at least?" You asked. Both of them nodded. "Where is Stiles, really?"

Again, the silence overcame you all, but this time it was more like a hot lava pouring over you; uncomfortable and painful. You took your time to look at each of your friends, expecting at least one person to speak up. They had each decided to avoid your eyes, looking at anything or anyone but you.

Oh boy.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"This is the place that Stiles is being holed up at?" You asked yourself, taking in the large, eerie building that stood before you, proud and tall. After dragging the information out of the pack, you had promised to go straight home afterwards.

You lied.

You had to see Stiles. Sleep wouldn't come as easily to you if you wouldn't. A sigh escaped your lips as you walked up to the building. Your hands clasped around the cold handles of the doors and yanked them open, smiling kindly at the lady that sat at the front desk.

"Is there a boy with the last name Stilinski here?"

"Yes, there is." She replied without taking a single glance at me or any files. He must have came in here recently.

"Well, can I see him?" You let out a innocent laugh.

Only then did she finally look up at you. "Visiting hours are over. Come back tomorrow."

"Alright. Sorry to bother you." You mumbled, beginning to walk out.

"Okay, Denise." Another woman spoke to the lady you had talked to a moment ago. "Your shift's over."

"Thank God. I didn't know how much longer I could take it in here." The lady, Denise, stood up with a relieved sigh. "Good luck."

Your eyes widened in excitement. Maybe there was a different tactic you could try with this one. A plan had already formed in your head, a much easier one at that. But you'd have to move quickly.

Seeing that the new lady's back was facing you, you slowly crept up to the desk and reached out to pinch her shoulder with just enough pressure to have her tumbling to the floor. You grinned to yourself in triumph and hopped over the desk to look through the files.

"What the hell kind of first name is that?" You laughed, referring the the gibberish that was Stiles's actual name. Shaking your head to yourself, you searched the file to see what room he was in. "Room 213, third floor. Got it."

Another grin crossed your features once you had found his room. Pulling a bobby pin out of your pocket, you picked the lock and snuck into the room. You froze when you noticed that he wasn't here, and that he also had a roommate.

"Stiles, is that you?" He said groggily. You took notice of the restraints around his wrists and feet that held him to the bed so he couldn't look up. What the hell.

"Yeah, dude. It's me, Stiles." You said in a deeper voice, cringing afterwards. Everything had been going so well until this moment.

"I didn't think you'd be coming up from the basement until later. You find anything?"

Basement. Jackpot.

"Ah, nah, bro. Just go back to sleep." You said again, your throat beginning to hurt from the strain of your vocal chords. Through the darkness you saw him nod, falling back asleep. You gladly disposed of that deep voice, speaking normally again. "These people really are mental."

You stealthily made your way down to the basement, knocking out any people when it was necessary. The thought of being reunited with Stiles once again sent a fluttery feeling through your chest. It seems as if it had been years since you had last seen one another, when in reality, it had only been a month or two.

"I'll just go out and keep watch. Keep looking." A voice interrupted your journey. Quietly, you slipped behind a stack of boxes, waiting until the footsteps had retreated. The only thing you were able to see was a head of brown hair and a blue shirt. You continued.

Once you made it to your destination, you used your enhanced hearing to determine which room Stiles had slipped into. You quickly made your way to the door where the most sound seemed to be coming from, turning the knob. Unlocked.

Taking a deep breath, you stepped in. The moment your eyes connected with those beautiful brown ones, your world seemed to snap back into place. You smiled.

"Hey, Stiles."

He smirked, but there was almost a mischievous glint to it; something very uncharacteristic of Stiles. "I'm afraid Stiles is ... held up at the moment. Mind if I take a message, love?"

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora