You Don't Think

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Alice POV: 

I slept happily in FP's arms still a little weirded out by how nice Gladys was being. Its so not like her, she's usually a complete bitch to us. I am even more confused as to why I just offered my guest rooms to her, I'm never at my house so its not a problem. Just very weird. 

FP and I continued to nap for a few hours before we are brutally woken up to the sound of sirens outside the trailer. Before we can even get out of bed Sheriff Maneta busts through the door and violently rips FP out of bed. 

"You have the right to remain silent Mr. Jones" He said placing cuffs around his wrists. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled trying to get out of bed. 

"He's under arrest for covering up a murder, and don't try to deny it." He said growling at me. 

Before I could get another word out FP is pushed through the doorway and shoved into the cop car. "Get help Ali!" FP yelled to me in complete shock. 

I stood on the steps of his trailer for a few minutes trying to register what the hell had just happened. I went back into the trailer and grabbed my phone. 

"Jug, your dad was just arrested please come down to the trailer now!" I yelled and hung up before he could even answer. I started to hyperventilate and my stomach began to throb. 

I sat down on the bed trying my hardest to hold it together, but I couldn't even fathom what the hell happened. I began to sob and curled into a ball on the bed. I pulled my knees to my chest and tried to centralize my breaths, just like FP would tell me to do when I had panic attacks as a teenager. 

I started to calm down and then Jug and Betty come rushing through the door. To my surprise they had Jellybean with them as well. I was just in FP's t-shirt so this is was little uncomfortable. 

"Mom! are you okay?" Betty yelled rushing over to me and hugging me tightly. 

"I don't know Betty." I sobbed into her shoulder. 

"What happened Ms. Smith?" Jug said rubbing Jellybean on the back who is clearly distressed and confused. I take a few deep breaths trying to compose myself but its was almost impossible at this point.

"Well.. your.. mom was here.. and then we took a.. nap... and we were woken up... by sirens and then he was.... ripped from my arms and pushed out the door." I could hardly breath at this point, Betty and Jug both could see that I was having trouble and they helped me get to the couch. 

"What was he arrested for?" Betty asked rubbing my back in circles trying to comfort me. 

"They said he was arrested for covering up a murder." I said trying not to cry even more. 

Betty, Jug, and Jellybean all look around trying to come up with something to say. 

"Is my daddy a bad man?" Jellybean asked sitting on the couch across from me. 

"No, definitely not sweetie." I said realizing what I just told his ten year old daughter. "Oh okay." She says quietly fiddling with her fingers. 

"Here mom." Betty handed me a glass of water. "Thank you" I replied quietly still sobbing. 

"Can I play with Sophia?" Jellybean asked. 

"Yeah, who's Sophia?" Betty asked. 

"She's Hog Eye's granddaughter. She lives to the left of us. I'll walk Jell's over, she doesn't need to be here for this." Jug replied.

 Jellybean quickly got up from the couch and runs out the door with Jug. 


"You okay mom?" Betty asked rubbing my back again. I had my head between my legs and I was trying not to break down again. 

"No Betty I'm really not." I sobbed and she moved my head into her lap and strokes my head. She can tell everything is wrong, she doesn't even need to ask. 

Jug walked back in and has a look of terror on his face. All color is drained from his face, his eyes with no expression, and his nostrils flaring. 

"Jug?" Betty said concerned and I look up to see him. 

"Where is my mom?" He asked slowly looking around the trailer. 

"I don't know Jug, my mom said she was here a few hours ago. Why?" Betty said still stroking my back. 

"Jellybean said something about how mom called the sheriff." He said.

"Oh god, she was acting really, really weird. She was so nice to me and offered to take me out to pops." I said feeling lightheaded. 

"Jug, you don't think..." Betty started. 

"I hope not." Jug said sounding ill himself. 

-• A/N •-

I know this was really short, I needed a filler chapter. Hope you liked it though. Keep sending suggestions, you can DM them to me on insta @graceannejones

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