I squint to see through the dim light. I make an effort not to cough as there is so much dust floating around. I glide my palm along the dry and peeling wall as I make my way down the narrow passageway. I hear low murmurs ahead of me but I cannot decipher what is being said.

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"I said 'Let the girl go.'" I faintly hear Veronica say firmly. I turn the corner to see Veronica staring straight up with fury in her eyes. Dem, Dylan, and Mad are huddled in the corner of the room staring up as well. Slowly, I let my eyes drift up to reveal Demi's body sprawled out on the ceiling with a black mist enveloping her. The mist is throbbing and shifting slowly, and I feel it emitting heat. The mark on my chest seems to throbbing in synchrony with the mist. I clutch my chest as I stealthily make my way over the where to others were squatting.

"She is an offering." I hear It say. My body tightens up in paranoia. I burrow my self closer into Mad, who is holding her chest as well.

"She is an innocent child. You have had enough." Veronica hisses back. She slowly moves closer to the wall, whilst still looking up. "We've all had enough of you. I am not Mary or Tanya. I will not give in to you."

She balances herself on a shelf and begins to climb up. She gets so high that I can only make out her boots by the time she gets to the top. Papers and books move and fall down around us as she steadily moves at the apex of the rocking wooden structure. I strain my neck to make out what exactly she is trying to do.

"Release her." She presses again and leaps. For a moment, I have no idea where she leaped to. Against my better judgement, I shift my body so I can get a better view.

There I see Veronica holding Demi in what seems like an embrace. They both remain levitating against the ceiling, surprisingly. However, the mist seems to be faltering. I can see the strain and agony in Veronica's face as she struggles to hold on. I feel my own pain radiating as well, varying in intensity and not as constant.

She's interfering with It's influence on us.

"You can't have her." Veronica squeezes out in pain. Her face is masked in sweat and her muscles are trembling. After a few more seconds, the mist releases them and they fall to the ground. All at once, my pain and the heat around the room vanishes. We immediately go to help Demi and Veronica. Dem, of course, rushes to assess Demi.

"God, Demi, are you alright? I'm so sorry." He manages to croak out between sobs as he hugs her. She doesn't really answer. She makes a few broken sounds and her eyes flutter closed. Her is skin dull and clammy. She looks absolutely exhausted.

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