Chapter 22

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I followed Jahseh upstairs to his bedroom, I suddenly heard a little boy laughing, I turned around "Jahseh is that your girlfriend?!" The boy laughed at us, "No, she's just a friend." He Confirmed to him, "Yeah right!" "That's Aiden, my little brother, He's a little annoying  sometimes." Jahseh whispered to me, "Oh ok.." I say under my breath, He opened the door, "Right, you can put your things over there." He pointed to an empty wardrobe. "Where am I going to sleep?" I asked him, "In my bed of course, we haven't got a guest bedroom, my mom took that for her walk-in wardrobe." "And how big is the 'walk-in wardrobe'?" I asked Jah, "Eh, pretty big." He smirked at me.

I unpacked all my things, Cleo came into the room "If you guys need anything, just call me-" "Okay Mom you can go now?" Jahseh said with caution, she nodded her head and left the room.
"January I've been wanting to ask you this question for a while.." Jahseh said out of the blue, "Sure, go ahead," "Who do you see me as?" Jahseh wondered "I see you as a kind, confident and positive person." I answered, "Okay great, but here's the real question.. Why doesn't Winter trust me around you?" He questioned me with a serious tone.
"I-I really don't know," "Stop lying to me!" "You can ask her!" I shouted, he gave me a big sigh and walked out the room.

                             /1 Hour Later\
"Um, I heard  you two shouting at each other earlier, is there something wrong?" Cleo asked concerned, "It's nothing, we just had a debate." Jahseh lied, "You don't need to worry."
He looked at me, "We're going out. C'mon January ." Jahseh stood up, putting his shoes on. "But ian finished-" "We're leaving!" "Good lord Jahseh what has gotten into you!" Cleo shouted as she banged her hand on the table, Jahseh grabbed his keys and slammed the front door.
Cleo sighed and turned to me, "Jahseh-" "Jahseh what?" "It doesn't matter, you should join him." She insisted, I got up and left the house, it was dark and raining; Jahseh was sitting in his car, smoking of course. I opened the car door and jumped in, a awkward silence crept into the car, Jahseh threw the blunt out the car window, and started driving. It was silent the whole ride, he pulled up to a familiar place, "Wait I- Why are we here?" "You're going to ask Winter what's her problem with boys." "I already know the question to that." I acknowledged while crossing my arms, "But first I want to go somewhere peaceful." I asked Jahseh, he nodded his head and smiled.

/Few Minutes Later\
"So why doesn't Wintet trust me around you or any other boy?" Jahseh wondered, if I tell him he might get worried, but Winter told me not to tell him either. I mean.. it's not like she can hear me or anything. I tell him. "Uhh-I, it's because- I was raped for 4 years, when I told Winter she told me keep away from you." Jahseh looked at me, "I'm sorry.. But I was scared that you was going to do something violent." I say, Jahseh gave me a tight hug, "No, I should be the one apologizing, I knew something wasn't right from the start. I'm so sorry." I started feeling a warm liquid fall onto my shoulder. "Jahseh are you crying?!" I lifted his head up towards me, "Why're you crying?" I  say to him, "I'm sorry for the way I treated you earlier.. I'm sorry for everything!" He cried out, "Can I ask you something?" Jahseh sniffled, "Of course." "Will you be my girlfriend?" Jahseh asked with a cute smile, "Yes, I will be your girlfriend." I accepted, he gave me a kiss on my cheek.

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