Chapter 7

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It was the end of the school day, today was really strange.
Jahseh kept on following me and flirting with me, I didn't like it.
I quickly ran to the parking lot and got in my car, then I'll realise I don't have any gas, shit! Then I got a text from Winter:
Winter ❄ 💋
Hey guuurrrlll 💋💋
January 😍❤
Hey. I have no gas, and I don't have enough money to get a cab..
Winter ❄ 💋
Srry, I didn't bring my car today my aunt picked me up, maybe you can can ask that boy for a ride home 😉
January 😍❤
Hell naww, the last time he asked for my address and if he takes me home he'll know where I live and probably stalk me 😤
Winter ❄ 💋
Gurl it'll take you 20 mins in a car, u rlly wanna walk home. Damn it'll take a while: 1 hour
January 😍❤
Okay, do you know where he is now?
Winter ❄ 💋
He could be roaming round the school or some shit
January 😍❤
Ok thanks
I got out my car and went back into school, I kept searching and searching but I still couldn't find him. Someone bumped into me, "Jesus! Can you please stop bumping into me?!" I shouted "Aye, I'm sorry." He replied
"I know this is a dumb question but... can you give me a ride home? My car is outta gas."
"Hmm.. Why do you want me to drive you home?"
"I just said it! My car has ran out of gas"
"Sure but when you goin to collect your car then?" Jahseh asked me.
"Tomorrow" "Shit, okay my car is the black Lamborghini, here's the keys." He said. How the fuck does he have a Lamborghini??

"Sure.." I mumbled, I got out of school and went to the parking lot, I looked around and saw the black BMW i8, walked up to it put the keys in and sat in the drivers seat. Wow this shits nice, I just sat there thinking a bit too much, as I was lost in my thoughts someone tapped on the window, it was Jahseh, I opened the door.
"Aye, that's my spot, unless you're driving." He said
"Nahh, I'm alright" I replied "Get in the passenger seat then." He said, I got out the car and jogged to the passenger side and got in.
"Right, where do you live?" He asked me, Jesus Christ I do not trust this guy in one bit, "(Insert Address Here)" I replied "Okay then."
———————/Time Skip\——————
"Can I come in?" Jahseh asked me, "HA! No" I shouted "I'm not letting you in because 1. I don't know you and 2. My step-mother doesn't allow me to bring boys home." I explained to him "Okay, we'll see ya." I got out the car and jogged to the front door, he waved at me so I waved back.
I unlocked the door and walked in, I quickly ran upstairs to my room and locked the door, as I sat down on by bed I started to hear moaning coming from next door, what a hoe, she's a prostitute, ever since my dad died she's been doing it. That's why she's always wearing fucking designer clothing, I blasted up some music to block out the sounds. I decided to have a nap but as I closed my eyes my phone was blowing up like crazy, I got up and check my phone.
Boii 👋
Boii 👋
Boii 👋
January 🖤
Boii 👋
Can I come over?? 😘
January 🖤
Not right now, my step mom got a guy over and she'll hear the front door open
Boii 👋
I'll climb thru ur window
January 🖤
Then u'll have to go through the backyard.
Boii 👋
K, be there in 10 👅

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