Pain is My Kink~ Fell!Sans x Timid!Reader

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No one requested so here comes a fell sans x reader -3- why? Cause no one can stop me c;

Warning, Contains:
•Pain Kinks
•Violent Sex
•A very sexy skeleton

The soft snow gave off a satisfying crunching sound every time my small feet took a step forward. The cool wind blew in my face making my cheeks and nose a reddish color. My eyes were squinted to keep the flurrying snowflakes out of them. How it snows in the underground? For I do not know, and I choose not to question it. Suddenly behind me a stick snaps, making me whip my head around. "I just passed by that twig, who's there?" I called quietly.

No one answered. I then continue on at a faster pace- speed walking to be exact. I feel as though someone is following me...I turn. A shadow was there for just a moment, gone now. This send chills up my spine. I turn- this time starting to run. I hear the steps behind me.

This pushes me to run even faster, heart pounding in my ears. I get to something like a road block, stopping me from going anywhere. "Human...turn around." A deep, rough voice says to me. It's commanding tone makes me obey with a fear rising in my body. When I turn around scary looking skeleton, that is in fact taller than I, stands there. This person was standing just a couple feet away, daring to come closer.

He wore a red shirt with a black, white furred hood jacket. Black basketball shorts with a gold stripe on either side accompanied that. Golden socks that came just a few inches above his red converse-type shoes came with it. A red collar with golden spikes was clipped around his neck. To top it all off a red glowing eye that seemed to be smoking adored his left eye. A single gold tooth decorated his pure white fangs, sharp, I presumed. "Your new...I'm gonna keep you as my pet..." He spoke in that deep and chilling voice.

"Wha...what?" My voice came out as nothing but above a whisper. My heart was thumping loudly. My body begged me to run away but I was too afraid... 'What if he killed me for running?' The thought flooded my already clustered, brain. "You heard me. I want you as a pet." He then reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out something. I didn't get to see what it was because I flinched.

"Am I really that scary, kid?" He said with a deep, rumbling chuckle. I feverishly nodded my head out of fear. Looking back up to see he had pulled out a (F/c) collar that had (S/f/c) spikes, I felt less afraid, but only slightly. He reached forward, I turned my head squeezing my eyes shut. He simply clipped the collar around my neck. A simple black leash was in his hand.

He began to walk off, I continued after feeling smaller than ever. My big (E/c) eyes were watching his every move with caution. "Ya know...your a lot more peaceful than most humans are, that fall down here that is." The sudden sound of his voice made me flinch slightly. "What's your name, pet?" I turned away before looking back. "My name?'s (Y/n)..." I spoke quietly.

"The name's Sans, pet." I nodded in understanding, only just noticing how we approached a town ahead. A sign read 'Snowdin' ahead. Other creatures, monsters, gave us nasty looks but they stopped once Sans gave a glare. Some of them ever dared to try and get closer to me from behind Sans' back. I only moved closer to him feeling as though he was my protection. "Hey, pet, I know they're behind us. Just ignore it." He spoke.

We reached a large, yet cozy, wooden home. Sans opened the door and let me inside. I instantly stood still once inside. "Go on, sit down." Sans spoke, making his way over to the couch. I followed, although reluctant, stepping quietly. Once he sat down I came over to the couch, about to sit down on the other side.

Suddenly Sans grabbed me, I yelped out of the sudden surprise. He brought me up onto his lap, my back to his chest. My face burned, a red tint on my (S/c) skin. I hid my face in my hands, covered by my slightly large (F/c) sweater. Sans rested his head on mine sighing. "You have no objection to this?" He question. "Well I mean....if y-you could l-let me sit o-on my own please..." I whispered afraid of his answer.

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