Me: 100%%%%% People think it's weird

Louis: Y? U love us so's not like you stock us

Me: Well....

Harry: U don't stock us u just watch videos of us on the interwet bc u find us funny and cute

Liam: I think we have a mind reader

Me: Ik what Louis going to say, "He got super bed ;)

Louis: Ha! Yeah

Liam: it does not take a mind reader to know at every opportunity u get ur gonna sext w/ harry

Niall: Trust me Ik

Zayn: Uhh..Li hun..check ur phone

Liam: SHIT! They know it's us!!

Niall: But

Me: It's not

Niall: Aww! U know me so well

Me: I forgot the wink ;)

Niall: I was about to say that

Harry: We need to meet up and give u the twitter

Me: Yeah

Zayn: Where do u live?

Me: (AN/ Address that is 30 mins away from the boys)

Liam: THAT'S ON:Y 30 mins away!

Me: Can u come over today, my mum, dad, and siblings are out

Harry: Yeah! We will be there is 45

Liam: yeah..we have an interview

Louis: FUCK it

Harry: Don't milk it babe

Niall: I can't

Zayn: Am I coming?

Liam: Yeah babe! How far r u

Zayn: 20 mins

Liam: Ok let's go! Boys (of 1d) u have 15 mins to change and be out)

Niall: We r being rebels! Ohhhhhh not Niall the church boy anymore

Louis: Give it a rest! Nialler the church boy

Niall: Niall the bad boy

Me: Niall I love u, but babe ur a goodie two shoes

Niall: Fine :(

Liam: Ur wasting ur 15 mins

Harry: As Harry Edwards Styles I need more time to get dressed

Louis: I'll help u! Plus u always look handsome as hell

Me: Words of a true prophet, Louis

Zayn: LOL

Liam: I gonna go get changed

Liam leaves

Harry: Me 2 it takes me a leats 45 mins to do the hair

Zayn: and whats Harry with the hair! IT ry

Louis: Not funny at all

Zayn: Ok...It was tho

Zayn leaves

Me: i'm gonna get some nando (i got ya Niall), crisps, and mug shots

Niall: I fucking love you!!!!

Harry joins

Harry: No swearing

Harry leaves

Me: That is soooo weird

Niall: Ikr

Me: Yeah

Niall: I am gonna go get changed see u in a bit

Me: Ok luv u

Niall: Luv u 2

Niall leaves

I leave


THAT WAS A LONG ONE TO MAKE UP FOR NO UPDATING! I know I am fucking amazing! Ok maybe not, but whatever! OMG! I forgot! I love Tom Holland. He is hot as fuck and funny as hell! So I watch Avengers Infinity war, and

 (SPOILER) !!!!!

FUCK THE ENDING! HOW COULD THEY KILL SPIDERMAN!!!! I KNOW THEY'RE ONLY KEEPING THE OG ADVENGERS BUT FUCKING HELL!!!!!! I want spiderman back!!!!! #Bringbackspidy! Sry 4 my rant. Love u!


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