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I am free as a bird, without any worry But still I am feeling a bit scary.

Your words in my mind resonating,
That I am not responsible and not caring.

Afraid that what if you are right,
What will happen and what will be my plight.

These are the doubts I keep in my mind, 
But then I get up and try to not mind.

See what a strong person I have become, 
With optimism and a will to overcome.

Now I don't feel low and there's nothing to behold, 
I will always be a free bird until I grow old.

I know the path ahead will not be easy, 
I will face the hardships which will make me wary.

Still I will move on and keep the hope, That is how I will climb up the rope.

This is how I now see everything,
Life is a gift and you should enjoy it by living.


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