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I give and give and never get back
How do I know that you love me back
You make me doubt on myself
If that's my fault or it's yourself.

I know that you love me more
With each day you prove it's so pure.
Yet when I don't get to hear from you,
The doubts settle and make me lose.

I know you need space from me,
I tend to get clingy and don't see.
I decided to help you with the act,
And stay for a while so you can enact.

I'll let you live in peace and stay put,
I'll keep you in mind and walk on foot.
I won't be hurt cause I'm not weak
No matter how many days passes or how many weeks.

But with each second I lose my resolve,
What's the solution and how to solve?
The questions are plenty,
And they're leaving me empty.

Only one thing could now heal my heart,
The sound of your voice in its finest art.
I want to know you care too about me,
So I could be happy and feel again free.


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