Your Pain

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My day begins with the thoughts of you,
The incidents in my life like these are few.

Sometimes it's sweet and delicious,
And in those moments I feel gracious.

But when my heart is traumatized,
It takes some time to realize.

When the pain registers in my mind,
It's like everything goes blind.

You took everything out of me,
My love my heart and what I feel.

Only one thing still remains intact,
Is the pain which left an impact.

My heart is bleeding in pain,
And nothing is there to remain.

I pray and beg to you oh God,
Why do you make me love so hard?

I feel inside so empty and hollow,
Here in my misery I wallow.

If you don't want me you just have to say,
I will leave and live in peace away.

I know I am nothing and never will be,
I am just a little reckless and just me.

I wish I could be enough for you,
And your life would never be so blue.

It seems you like your life colorless,
Without me in it and be careless.

I wonder why did you commit,
You never said anything about it.

You said you love me with passion,
Then why don't I even see your compassion?

You told me and promised to speak,
But then left, making me a bleak.

Mind you, I may love you but I'm not weak,
So don't misunderstand me to be a freak.

If you lose me I promise you'll lose yourself too,
In this love story I will not be the only one aloof.

We have the connection which is rare,
We're hurt together that we share.

So please let me be by your side,
And keep this hurt and pain aside.

Let me be your first and last,
We will build our castle that'll be vast.

My love don't fight and be my respite,
We'll stay happy and celebrate with delight.

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