I looked over at the sleeping baby in the crib. My three-week-old son. He has gotten bigger. My Zachary Ian Jones. 

End of FlashBack

I just wanted him to say it. Get it over with. Well, it would be better than looking at me with his pity eyes. I hate those things. I get them practically every day on the streets in Chicago because of Zachary. I mean when can I get a break. This all happened because of a cheater, a liar, a fricken gang leader. I was so naive when I was younger. I was so dumb and I thought I knew what heartbreak felt like back then. Now it's not even close. I wish I could make this all end. I just don't understand why he would do this to me. 

"I told you so." Said Benny.

"I know."

He came up to me and just hugged me.


I nodded my head. 

"I'm so sorry to be a buzz kill but I got to stay here for Emma." Said Abby.

"That's fine. I would do the same if Zach was still so little."

That's when I felt it. A small butterfly feeling in my stomach. I have twins on the way and he goes off and cheats on me. I put my hand towards my stomach.

"Jess, are you okay?" Asked Abby.

"I have twins." I just blurted out.

"Honey. Let's go get our coffee."

Sam, Benny, and I all got into a car and found the closest Starbucks.

"I-I felt one of the twins kick for the first time." I stuttered.

I then felt it again.

"Benny give me your hand."

He gave me his hand and I placed it on my small baby bump. 

"Oh my god. Sam, you have to feel this."

She placed her hand on the twins and the just kept kicking. 


The rest of the time we just talked like we used to in high school. I enjoyed the time. I remember the first time you could actually see Zach kick me. It hurt pretty bad too. We went home after about two hours of just walking around the city of New York. Time to face something I didn't want to. 

I walked into the hotel room. Zach came running up to me and started hugging my legs.

"Tried putting him down for a nap but it didn't really work out." Said Mason.

"That's okay. Zach, you want to feel something?"

"Yes, mommy."

I smiled.

"Then give me your hand."

I said as we both sat down on the couch. Mason sitting in the chair. I couldn't even look at him. I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want me near me. I know he just lost his best friend, but I just lost my boyfriend, my baby daddy.

I placed Zach's hand on my stomach. The twins started to kick immediately. I mean it didn't hurt but it took me off guard.

I looked over at Mason and then looked down to the ground. 

"Isn't that cool," I said as I smiled.

"Yes, mommy."

I looked at the clock. 3:00pm. Time to put Zach down for a nap. 

"Time to go take a nap, okay."

He nodded his head and we got off the couch. I picked him up and went into the bedroom. A few minutes later he was out cold. I just sat in the room. I couldn't go face him by myself. I have no heart left. I placed my hand on the twins. I let one tear drop. Then another. 

Mason came into the room and put his arm around me. I just moved away.

"I need to make an appointment."

He nodded his head and I walked out of the room. I called the doctor and set up an appointment for 3 pm tomorrow. Before we leave. At this point, I don't care if I get shot. It would feel so much better then what I'm feeling now.

"Are you okay?" Asked Mason.

I just looked at the ground. He then lifted my chin up. A tear slipped from my eye. I can't break him, but he broke me. 

"Mason, I need to tell me the truth." I paused, "Is Ivy lying to me or did you guys really sleep together?"

His eyes filled with guilt and he looked down to the ground. No. 

"Mason, answer."


"No, j-just don't. Please."

I pushed his hand away from me.

"Jessica, I love you."

"Then why would you do that? I just don't understand. If you loved me you wouldn't go off and sleep with my cousin. The day that we had sex. That same day."

Mason's POV

I watched as everything unravelled. I saw my baby girl in tears practically screaming at me.

"Jessica, do you not understand what I just went through."

"Don't you dare pull that card."

"How can I not? I got drunk and I was horny. What do expect a gang leader to do?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I had your first born. I'm having a set of YOUR twins. You just go off and cheat on me. You weren't there for the birth of your son. You weren't there for the first year and a half of his life. I was. Benny was. Even my parents were. They hated me because I got pregnant with your fucking baby."

I just stood there. I had nothing to say. All of the things she said are true. I pretended I didn't know who she was. I forgot she was pregnant with my child until Elizabeth had to tell me. I broke her heart once. I did it again.

"I hope when you get asked about me you will find yourself thinking about all of the memories. I hope you hurt just as bad as I do right now. I hope that a bullet of truth hits you in the heart. I hope that you say this in your head. I'm a girl that loved you the most. I loved you like there was nobody else in the world, and you destroyed me."

I looked at her blue eyes. 

"Goodbye Mason."

Jessica's POV

I walked into the room and quietly packed my bags. I brought them out to the hall. I'll take the plane somewhere. Anywhere away from him.

I picked up Zach and left into the city. Hello New York, I'm here to stay. I called up Lacy Daniels and asked if I could stay at her place for a little bit. Well at least until the appointment. I get to see my twins again. 

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