Unknown - creepypasta oc -

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ey I got lazy with the coloring cause its 4:48 AM

I forgot the black around her claws and feet- but here is Unknown a shitty oc 

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I forgot the black around her claws and feet- but here is Unknown a shitty oc 

here is the info

Real name: Ace Kent 

Cp name: she doesn't really have one but calls herself Unknown

 Age: 19 and will be stuck like that until she is ' cured ' 

Height: 6'2

Species: Human-ish 

Looks: Depending on what she is doing if she is out killing she be wearing her normal mask, a white blood stained jacket with a design that looks like black grass - basically the shirt that I wear in lbp when i'm her - she has a black shirt on along with black pants she also wears white boots with some black specks on it - if you want I can color in what I have now and show it to you over on discord - if she's out chilling in the forest she'll be wearing whatever though she has bandages covering on her arms, legs, waist and neck but you don't need to really draw them unless she has shorts or other things that exposes them they're just there to hide eyes and mouths 

likes: the forest, the night, people fighting back and giving her a challenge, being sneaky/staking people, hanging around one of her friends Plague, stalking some of the other creepypastas that are near her and the paranormal 

dislikes: the thought of being a proxy, slenderman - stays away from notes or any sign that she's near him -, zalgo - sames with slenderman she'll stay away from him -, people poking around her stuff and being nosy when she's trying to blend in, not having control over he body 

other: Ace doesn't talk much making a lot of people believe that she is mute though when she does talk she either talks in third person or says ' we ' instead of ' i ', she is possessed by a shadow demon making her immortal until they are removed she also has their ability but cant use them unless the demon allows her to which in her eyes are useless, she also has a demon tail and horns which are made out of shadows this is the only thing that she can control, she is cold 24/7 due to be possessed, she doesn't feel much emotions the only thing that she really feels is annoyed or angry

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