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So..We might be getting another cat without my dad knowing about it though we might not but I shall tell you the story which just now happened 

So I was sitting inside my parents bedroom and my mom was playing WOW until she show this beautiful black and white fluffy cat she told me about it and I went over to the window and saw her confused yet worried about her I asked if I should give her some food to which my mom replied yes but she might not come and get it knowing that already I got one of my cats food bowls and went outside she saw me and didn't move I shaked the bowl to tell her that I had food which is when she ran off I started to follow her carefully and slowly since I did dealt with cats like this before she got onto the ground and meowed not in the angry way which scared me thinking that she had kits I followed her some more until we ended up in my shed knowing I couldn't go inside there without shoes I placed some food outside where she came from and went back inside to tell my mom then my mom got an idea if we slowly gain her trust maybe we can get her as our cat 

but as always there's some pros and cons ( A lot of cons ) 

Pros - We get another cat, me and mom might stop trying to get another one ( Cause I bug the shit out of my dad to get another cat ) 

Then there are the Cons

Cons - We gotta go to the vet ( which my mom hates down here ), she might be lost and her owners are looking for her but I have never seen her around here and I've lived here since I was five, Dad might not let us keep her or she might not stick around for much

but hopefully I can get her trust around my birthday so I can ask for her or around my brothers cause he will be in for another cat 

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