Jason looked down at you and gave you a kiss, "Is that okay babe?"

"Yeah, just be safe you idiots," you said returning the kiss.

Jason and Stephanie left the cave as you, Duke and Cass went upstairs for some of Alfred's famous cookies.

"Was that a smart idea. y/n?" Duke asked.

"Nope, but it's better than having them destroying the cave with glitter and paint," you replied.

"True, besides, what trouble can they get into?" Cass said.


If there was one thing the batboys could easily find it would be trouble. Apparently, the Riddler set up an ambush knowing that Batman would show up. Good thing that Spoiler and Red Hood showed up when they did though. After kicking ass, handcuffing Nygma and letting the cops take him away Batman and the batboys made their way over the Police Department, even though Jason isn't liked by the cops.

"Nygma why did you attack Bruce Wayne's charity gala?" Commissioner Gordon asked.

"How about instead you answer a riddle! Riddle me this...."

"Can we go one day without riddles?" Jason interrupted while glaring at him from under the helmet.

"Yes but I need to keep all of you occupied!"

"Why?" Bruce demanded.


"What about him?"

"He's paying me to keep you distracted."

"From what?" Jason asked him walking closer towards him.

"He wants to kidnap a certain birdie's heroic significant other and Wayne's beloved family friend of course!"

Jason stopped glaring at Nygma and sprinted out of the interrogation room with Damian right behind him.

"Red Hood! Robi... Dammit. Commissioner, Nightwing go check if what Riddler said is true," Bruce said running after his children. Dick, Tim, and commissioner Gordon stood in the room in confusion until Riddler spoke up acting all confused as to what happened.

"I didn't tell you crap!" He insisted. Red Robin pulled up the camera feed and showed it to him. And of course, there he was confessing.

"................My eyes are not that green."

Red Robin looked at the feed and saw that the Riddlers eye color changed when Jason started talking to him, but when he left they went back to their original eye color.

"Nightwing lets go," He said walking out of the room.

"Go where?" Gordon asked.

"save s/h/n and talk to Penguin."

"Wait, s/h/n... is s/h/n y/n?"

"Perhaps, I don't know, s/h/n is mean, y/n is nice. So no," Nightwing answered. Nightwing, Red Robin, and the Commissioner all went to Penguins nightclub and things got interesting.


Jason paced the Batcave as Bruce typed away looking for Cobblepots location. "Please tell me you found something?"

"Calm down Jason. We'll find her. Nightwing and Red Robin are on their way to the Iceberg Lounge."

"How do you want me to calm down when the love of my life is in the hands of that bastard?!?!"

"Tt. Pacing around the cave isn't going to help to find them, Todd," Damian stated. Jason stopped pacing and groaned. If only he'd stay instead with you.

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