masochism // sadism

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humans are natural born masochists. we chase after things we deeply know-but don't want to admit-hurt us. we chase after the rush and love the feeling because we know it's so bad. we love people who don't love us back, an unrequited painful adventure. but why do we stay in these situations? why do we love people who we know do not return the feeling? why do we chase after the disgusting feeling of loneliness in an unfulfilled relationship? we endure the pain and we endure the tears; all for that one person- the sadist.

there are two kinds of people in this world- sadists and masochists. who you choose to be? that's all up to you and your life experiences. what do you feel like doing today? breaking hearts or being broken? we all have an inner masochist; despite which path we choose to take. we all have at one point; stayed in a dying relationship-desperately holding onto it, waiting for the recovery. when deep down,(think about this, maybe you haven't wanted to admit it), we knew there was no saving it. it was a lost cause. we have all loved someone who was off limits or had their heart and soul set on someone else. we have all hated ourselves because we fell for the one person we can't have, and we can't accept it. we can not get over the fact that we will never feel their touch, we will never feel their lips brush against ours, we will never feel their soul making love to yours. but we chase and chase and chase, in hopes they will have a change of mind, body, and soul. sometimes we come across a manipulative sadist, people who practically get off to our empty broken hearts. these types of people look for people like that specifically. they love to see us cry, yearn their touch, they love to see us give them our everything. sick and twisted right? 

but if you think about it, aren't we just as equally sick and twisted?for sticking around even after they break us apart and spit us out? for loving them more than we know we should, more than loving ourselves. no matter how much pain they put us through, just to see them smile, even if it means we have to sacrifice something; including ourselves. loving someone s deeply and unconditionally that we're willing to let them hurt us with no breaking point. human existence is a painful cycle and if you're still around to see it

you're a warrior.

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