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heartbreaks a goddamn murder. a murder without justice because they left me dying on the floor while they got up and moved on, like my blood wasn't all over their hands and their white kitchen tile. a stab to the back,the heart, and the leg just for extra pain. How is this fair? how could you lead me into your seemingly premeditated plot? you set it out for me, another victim was i? you cold serial killer, how many more are there? there's more just like me aren't there?  maybe one day we will meet again, i will haunt your dreams and fill your eyes with salty tears almost as warm as the crimson blood that pooled my mind and wrists when you left me for dead. i will come back from the dead to leave little love bites, here                                      and here. i will possess the body and mind of your next victim, or the silly name you like to call them "girlfriends" and let you taste my lips one more time to remind you i am here, i have not forgotten. they say i should be the bigger person and move on, there's so many out there like you, but how could i move on when my case isn't closed? your argument is how you couldn't handle me, couldn't handle us. maybe we were going too fast, you said. but if you wanted to go slower, why were you so fast to break my heart? within seconds it felt like my chest heaved in and it was blurry, i saw my trust and emotion shrivel as my eyes brimmed with a burning sensation, and that's when i knew i was dying. i was being murdered, by the one person i would die for, just not in this way

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