chapter two

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The media ate up the murder of Alice Moore; it was extremely gruesome and no one had seen a murder quite like it in a long time. Her body had been found in her garden, her throat slit and disembowelled. It had been thought that she was attacked in her home and she had run into her garden to get help, but the killer caught her.

Every newspaper and news channel was covering the tragedy, many speculating on whether it was a single event or if this was the work of a serial killer. Many people at school felt traumatised at the occurrence, and the feeling of danger spread through teenagers like the plague. No one felt safe. 

There was no evidence left at the crime scene, so no suspects had been made yet. Magnus visited his dad at the hospital morgue the morning after it happened, bringing him some coffee. He knocked on the door, his dad turning to look at him with a tired expression, ushering him in.

Magnus was glad to see that there was a sheet covering Alice's body, although it didn't help much, if anything it made his imagination twist the thought of her into something horrible. He handed his father the coffee, taking a sip from his, leaning against a desk that had lots of paper on it.

 "Did you know her?" Magnus' father asked after a short while, looking and sounding exhausted. Magnus guessed that he had been working on the autopsy for the entire night. Magnus shook his head, replying, "Not well, but Isabelle knew her really well. She was a nice girl." His dad nodded in response, saying that it was terribly sad.

He said, "This kind of thing never happens here. It's surreal." Magnus agreed with a sad sigh, both of them falling into a silence. Magnus then told his father that he was going to the beach with his friends today, as it was a hot day and they needed to get their minds off of everything that had happened.

Alec looked over at Isabelle's bed with a frown; her eyes were wide open, staring at the wall. "Did you get any sleep?" He asked her with a croak, as he had just woken up. She didn't reply, indicating that she hadn't. She kept staring, looking empty inside.

 "Do you want to come to the beach with us today? It might make you feel better," Alec asked, standing up, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. Isabelle shook her head silently, turning around so that she faced the wall, burying her head in her pillow.

Alec let out a sigh, asking if there was anything that he could do, to which she ignored again. He understood that she needed time to grieve, grabbing his stuff and getting ready to leave. While Alec was sad and wanted to be there for his sister, it seemed like she wanted to be alone right now and Alec needed to leave the house.

Meeting his friends at the bus stop, they all got the bus together. Alec was glad to see that the mood was still positive and normal, even though the grief was clear within everyone, just covered with a sheet. It was strange to have someone you were acquainted with die; they were all so young. And to die like that made it even worse.

Magnus was acting normal around Alec, both of them hiding the fact that they had been on a date. They knew that their friends would be supportive for them, but they just wanted some time to experiment with it before telling anyone. They didn't know if it was serious or not yet. The two of them shared teasing smiles every now and then, feeling powerful with the secret.

The temperature uplifted their moods greatly, all pouring out of the bus to rush towards the beach. Hot sand burned their feet, Alec already knowing that his white skin was going to be burnt by the end of the day. They agreed on a spot, that was near enough to the water but not as close to the other people on the beach.

Alec pushed his shoes off his feet, seeing the others taking their clothes off, bikinis or swim shorts underneath. He watched as Magnus pulled his short off, smirking at the sight. Alec looked away when Magnus noticed, pulling his shirt off too. Opening his bag to retrieve sun cream, Alec felt the sun warm his entire body, seeping into his exposed skin.

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