chapter one

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Before the first headline regarding the gruesome murder hit the county of Brooklyn, life was great for Alec. He was one of the few who actually enjoyed high school, surrounded by a big group of friends who were all supportive and he felt a strong connection with. One of those friends was Magnus Bane, who he had known since the first grade, and had been crushing on since then too.

Nothing had ever happened between them, but the desire had always evidently been there for both of them. In middle school they had an awkward kiss and never talked about it again, but the older they got, the more flirtatious they got. Alec had come out as gay and Magnus had come out as bisexual already, so nothing was stopping them.

High school just seemed hard enough with the stress, let alone adding a romantic dilemma to the fire. The group of friends always joked about Alec and Magnus together, although neither of them had made the move and so no progress had been made. 

It was a Friday morning, sun breaking through clouds to shine down on Brooklyn, illuminating the many civilians walking on the streets, rushing to get somewhere or other. Alec got the school bus as usual with his siblings, greeting Simon and Maia, who got the bus with them. They talked about the recent trending topic for the journey that was circulating the news, which today was the death of Tupac, a rapper. 

They met their other friends at their lockers, Magnus smiling at the sight of Alec. He knew that he would be the one to make the first move, but it was hard to get Alec alone. Magnus didn't want to do it over the phone, but he didn't want to ask him in front of all of his friends. If Alec said no for some reason then he would never hear the end of it, and it would be embarrassing.

 "Did you hear about Tupac?" Alec asked Magnus, opening his locker, pulling out some books. Magnus noticed that Alec was wearing a new sweater, which was a pale shade of green, hanging slightly off his freckly shoulders. "Yeah; it's sad. His music was sweet." Magnus replied, watching as Alec zipped his bag up.

Magnus said with a short smile, "I like your sweater." Alec looked up at him, then looking down at his sweater. He laughed lightly in response, "Thanks, even though I had to beg my mom to buy it for me. She said it looks like something the cat dragged in." Magnus joked that she was probably talking about Alec's face, Alec gasping exaggeratedly and saying that he was a victim of bullying jokingly.

Seeing that Alec was about to leave for his next class, Magnus decided to work up the courage and finally do something about the awkward position that they had been in for a while. "Can I speak to you later? Like, alone?" Magnus said, hoping that he didn't sound as nervous as he felt inside. 

Alec looked at him in confusion, although agreed with a short laugh. Alec asked, "Are you getting me alone so that you can kill me?" Magnus shook his head with a smile, saying that it wasn't near as violent. Alec felt a smile grow on his face, saying that he would see Magnus later, heading off to his first class.

Third period rolled around quicker than Magnus hoped, waiting for Alec to come in, sitting next to his empty seat. He sighed deeply, repeating to himself that this was just Alec and he had known Alec since he was five years old. "Hey," Magnus looked up at the voice, Alec beaming down at him, sitting in his seat.

Magnus replied, "Hi," moving his bag that was on the desk so that Alec could sit down. Alec noticed that Magnus was acting strange, wondering if something had happened at home for Magnus. He only lived with his father, who was a coroner, meaning that Magnus had seen a few dead bodies in his life, all leaving an emotional scar on him.

There was a silence between them for a moment, Alec wondering if he had done something to upset Magnus. "Do you want to go out tonight?" Magnus finally sputtered out, Alec turning to look at him, holding eye contact. Alec asked in a confused tone, "Do you mean with the others? I thought Maia had a family thing tonight."

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