Chapter eleven

Depuis le début

I pushed myself away from his chair and glared at his smug face.

" Last warning Macaroni, keep your thoughts to yourself and let me work in silence."

I paused at the door as I was leaving and glanced at him,
" And yes, Micheal is sexier than you."

Yeah, tune down the ego , hot shot.

As I left the cubicle smiling to myself, I could hear  his grumbling about how I had   some visual defect and bad taste in men.


"How could you?! How could you kill her?"

A punch to the stomach

"You are a murderer! A KILLER! Even she loathed your very existence! Why don't you just die?'

A cross aiming at the nose .

''You can never change it. You will always be the reason for her death."

A jab to the cheek.

"Fuel your guilt. Fight with no mercy."

I finished with an uppercut and the punching bag I had imagined to be his body, swung back with full force, rattling on its hinges.

"You never deserved her."

Sweat was dripping from my forehead, cascading through my face and neck and  my hands felt as if the gloves were sucking the life out of them.

My chest was rising up and down rapidly with exhaustion as deep pants left my mouth.

"Become Merciless. Become Z"

Assaulting this sack of cloth has been my way of escaping when things got too much.

But it was never enough.

It was almost night by the time I left the training room after cleaning myself off.

A faint light from the servers room in the East wing caught my eye, as I trudged along the corridor.

My feet took off in the direction of the room. I paused at the entrance and peeked inside.

Sitting in front of a computer  was J, the guy responsible for my sleepless nights.  No Pun intended.

He was facing with his back towards  me as he leaned into the screen peering into it.

My gaze shifted to his object of interest.

It showed a footage from the office in PENTAGON TOWERS, on the day of kidnapping.

It was from a different angle, one from inside the office.

This was not in the material I received.

I've got to speak with J about his stubbornness .

The screen showed three masked men entering the office and pointing a gun at his head . He started screaming which I thought was a bad idea, because the next moment he was thrown to one of the corner of his office, with all of them looming over him.

They must have decided on taking him by-


My eyes widened in horror at the events that played on the screen in the next few minutes .

I might have seen many gruesome  situations but this was something I hadn't prepared myself for.

Michael Winstor was not kidnapped.

He was murdered.

In the most brutal way possible.

Two of the men began filling the garbage bag with the pieces while the other glanced around the office.

His eyes met the camera and stared at it for long , as if contemplating what to do.

The next thing I see is the screen blank out with his hand.

A gasp escaped my lips unknowingly.

Before I had the time to escape, J had his eyes fixated on my intrusion and in a few long strides he was infront of me with  confused and angry expression.

"  Sergeant Z, What are you doing here?"

I was still  in the stunned phase as the images of knives grinding through his bones burned into the back of my head.

I raised my head towards J and was suddenly caught off guard at the strange emotion in his eyes.

Regret .

He looked tired and bags around his eyes showed that he had sleepless nights as well. His hair was matted with sweat , and his cologne smelt great. Suddenly ,I found  his  exceptionally towering figure intimidating.

"Sergeant Z!"

I took back a step back as I pushed other thoughts on out of my head.

" Yes J. I would like my eardrums intact, if its not too much trouble."

"I asked, why you're here. Its almost past the bed time and-"

" Hey , I will sleep when I decide its time for me to sleep. I was on my way to the cabin when I saw the light from here."

" Sergeant Z, you must know, Curiosity killed the cat."

" Yeah, well, I am not the one dead here now ,am I?"

At this ,he turned silent and glanced away .

After a few moments, I spoke.

" Why would they kill him in his office and risk getting caught?  Also they could've just shot him, why butcher him up?"

He turned his piercing gaze back to mine and narrowed his eyes.

" Sergeant Z, the death of Mr. Winstor was not a murder."

His next words had my eyes widen in shock.

"Its a warning."

Yeah... I know its not a good chapter .
Its just that my exams are stressing me out. I promise that the next chapter will be better than this. 

So, Michael is not kidnapped. He's dead !

And why would J say that its a warning?

What did our Zirlock miss?

Comment on what you think.


Have a nice day.

Byeeee ♥️♥️♥️

Merciless Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant