14) Him & I

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(Peyton pov)
From every now and then, Ash & I would secretly see each other.

Although, There's other time when there was problems like at school, we were all divided into two groups but I manage sneak out mine to talk with Jonah.

After that happen, He praises me for being so smart which leads to a sweet moment after we held hands. We walked out together as Jonah talk about his sweaty palms.

Then on the next day, we went on a double 'date' with Buffy and Marty to an arcade which was fun. Though Asher ignored me for laughing at him when he fell, but I also did the same thing at school so it was even.

We sat together at the back row of the bus while we're on our way to the Grease sing-along since I invited him to go to.

Then Jonah joins me, Cyrus & Buffy on their annual trip to the Renaissance Faire, followed by surprising by my former stepdad Bowie for his birthday which he shares with his dad before he passed.

Before Cyrus's upcoming bash-mitzvah, I was a bit confused when Jonah stopped wearing The Bracelet and telling me he doesn't like labels.

But at the Cyrus bash-mitzvah, Buffy & I perform a very special dance choreo for Cyrus til he joined in.

Later, My mom and I went to caricature artist booth so that he can draw us, then Buffy & I went with Cyrus to the fortune teller booth.

The fortune teller said yes to answering my question bout if I'll ever get a boyfriend which will be very soon.

While leaving the fortune teller's booth, we notice Jonah walking by. So, Buffy and Cyrus encourage me to go talk to him.

Just before me and Jonah get close to start talking, I was interrupted by the caricature artist named Walker which leads to us hanging out for most of the party.

After Cyrus bash-mitzvah, Jonah went to my Andishack and told me he wants us to be a couple. But, the only thing i said was "Umm" which means i don't know.

At school, He has been giving me gifts which I find sweet, but what I really want is his patience.

The next day, I've been hanging out with Walker all day which was super fun.

Despite the fallout between me and Jonah, We still managed to be on good terms.

But today, My grandma caught us together when we were at my Andishack.

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