Massacre, Muslims and Music

Start from the beginning

Maliks Muwatta Book 021, Hadith Number 010.

"......I advise you ten things,
Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly."

But lets look around us and observe how often people fight. How often YOU fight.

I don’t mean to say that I've never  fought. Well i fight with my friends and family, especially with my sister (but end of the day we make up alhamdulillah), yeah, i fight too.

I am a human and humans err. But it really irritates me to see people fight on the stupidest of things!

People fight on things about islam! They tell each other that they aren't proper Muslims.

Well guess what? News flash, we are not to decide who is and isn’t a proper Muslim! It's Allah’s job! Alhamdulillah.

Tell me aren't we supposed to be peace loving and just people, who do not judge others, because we know that a Days gonna come when we will be Judged! Shouldnt we really judge ourselves first before we are judged instead of judging others?

Then why are we fighting among ourself?

One of the worst qualities of the community that clames to being a believing community is that they are judgemental and harsh and backstabbing towards one another. These are the worst qualities bani Israel (Children of Israel) had developed, "speak to people nicely." 

Now a days we see that the more religious a person gets the more constipated he gets socialy, the angrier they look, it's more difficult to talk to them. If a guys got a beard it means he is just constantly gonna be upset at something and if a women started wearing hijab then that means she is going to judge you because your not wearing one. And she will look at you with eyes that might burn right through your hair, thats the perception. But the closer you come to your deen that much cautious and kind and humble and understanding and soft and forgiving of others, is what your supposed to be. 

May be your friends do ignorant things and you don't do them anymore, but if your friends are doing ignorant things and your first thoughts like "astagfiruulah these people, I can't believe they are my friends, such ignorance they do, they do Biddah (innovations), they do kufr, they do haram, they don't care about anything."
You were that guy 2 years ago, that was you. Who guided you? You guided urself? 

The ayah that says He puts life in ur hearts, the same ayah says you were at the very edge of hell and He rescued you. So when somebody else is at the edge of the ditch, instead of getting angry at them and telling them off, be patient, be curtious. 
You know the magic trick is sabr (patience). Be patient with each other especially believers. 

The Prophets were patient with the kufaars (non believers) and the Quresh (non believing tribe of Mecca), the worst of the worst. We are talking about Muslim families, your own friends and family. 
Arrogance is the biggest problem.

When you declare Allahs greatness you should also acknowledge your own weakness, your own humility. 

When we say "as salaamu alykum" without meaning salaam (peace), you know what that means, it means may Allahs peace be with you, and what it implies is that I don't dislike you, I love you, theres harmony and peace between us. But instead when we say salaam and in our hearts we hate that persons guts, and yet you say "Salam Alykum brother," thats hypocrisy, your saying something you don't mean. 

Be humble with the believers, and tough and harsh with the enemies of Islam, (not disbelievers, but the people who attack Islam).

We are humble not arrogant but at the same time you don't allow people to walk all over you. We stand up for ourselves. Stand up for urself.
Lower ur gaze not your confidence. We are not arrogant but we certainly are confident. Thats what we have to be. We have to have so much confidence in our religion. 

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