Chapter 20: Dance?

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Alissa's pov

"The awkward silence between you and Ethan is killing me," I said groaning as Andrea and I got our books from our lockers.

"It's just we haven't had the talk yet about the kiss," she whispered and I giggled.

"And what's with the whole emo theme?" she said looking at my attire.

"And what's with the whole emo theme?" she said looking at my attire

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"Just because it's black doesn't mean it's emo and don't I look hot and mysterious," I said flipping my hair and she blew kisses

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"Just because it's black doesn't mean it's emo and don't I look hot and mysterious," I said flipping my hair and she blew kisses. The stereotype of being mysterious while wearing black was getting to me.

"Sure you do," said a flirtatious deep voice from behind, I turned expecting Ethan or Grayson but no it was Cameron. Not Cameron Dolan, Cameron Black.

"Cameron, hey, I haven't seen you in the past English classes any problem?" I asked and he shook his head and smiled.

"It's just some small problem raised," he said shrugging and I looked at him sideways tilting my head.

"Okay, see you in class Cameron," I said, waved and walked with An.

"You and Cameron?! When did you guys become friends?" she asked and looked at me.

"He was pretty much the first friend I made here and there comes my first enemy I made," I said pointing with my chin to the three girls walking up to us.

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