Chapter 2

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I woke up at seven on Monday. It was the first day of my new school. I showered, brushed my hair, and reluctantly put on my uncomfortable uniform. I felt like I was choking wearing the tie. I put my new black flats on and headed downstairs where Dick was waiting.

"Mistress Kaia, Master Bruce asked me to give you these," Alfred said.

"He didn't have to do that," I said, taking the items.

He had gone out of his way to get me a new backpack, since he probably saw my torn one. He also got me a phone. Not an old crappy phone, but the newest smart phone. I couldn't except that; it probably cost at least hundreds of dollars.

"I'll show you how to set it up on the way to school," Dick said.

"Thanks, but I can't take this," I said.

"Bruce'll want you to have it," Dick said.

I reluctantly took the phone and backpack and headed into the limo. In the car ride Dick set up my phone for me and told me what my phone number was. When we got to school I took a deep breath before getting out of the car. I followed Dick up to the front corridor.

"Hello Kaia, I'm Bett, your student liaison," I peppy girl said, coming up to me.

"Um, hey," I replied awkwardly. "It's ... a ... nice to meet you?"

"Well I'll take you to where you get your schedule," Bett said.

"Okay," I said, following her.

After that Bett took me to my first period class. I sat in a seat in the back next to a girl with blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail. I didn't bother getting out a notebook, since I probably won't be paying attention.

"Are you new?" the girl asked.

"Yeah," I said, "today's my first day."

"Welcome to Gotham Academy," she said. I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. "I'm Artemis. This is my first year here, too."

"I'm Kaia," I said.

The first thing I did when I got home from school was change into comfy clothes. Since neither Dick nor Bruce was here, I decided to explore. I looked through lots of other guest bedrooms, living rooms, a library, a billiard room, who even has a billiard room in their house? I found the kitchen and Alfred made me a snack, which was nice.

After my snack I continued exploring. In one of the rooms I tripped, but thankfully caught myself on a bookshelf. By doing this, I knocked a small stone statue over, but thankfully it didn't fall on the floor. My mouth fell open as the bookshelf started moving, revealing a passage way that led downward.

"What the hell," I muttered.

I couldn't see how far down it went. Of course this place had a secret passage way. I looked at the pole debating if I should go down there or not. If Bruce found out I was snooping around he'd probably be upset. Then again what Bruce doesn't know can't hurt him, and given that he isn't here...

I grabbed the pole and slid down. It felt like the tunnel never ended, but eventually my feet landed on the ground. I let go of the pole and looked around. When I did I nearly passed out.

"You've got to be shitting me," I said. "I'm in the batcave. I must be dreaming."

"I knew you'd find out, but I didn't think it would be this soon," Bruce voice echoed.

He was sitting at a large high-tech computer. I walked towards him I saw that he had on the bat suit, but the mask was off.

"Wait, you're -- you're--"

"Batman." he said, finishing my sentence.

"The other night in the alley. That was you?"


"I just can't believe it," I said. "Does that mean Dick is--"

"Yes, he is Robin," Bruce, or should I say Batman, said.

We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes as I looked around taking everything in. Bruce of course told me not to touch anything. I looked at all of their weapons and gear and vehicles. It was all super cool. 

"Well Kaia, do you have any experience?" 

"With what?" 


"Um I guess I know the basics and stuff and Aunt Selena taught me some gymnastics," I said, "but that's it."

"That's going to have to change," he said, "considering your my daughter and all."

"Your not saying..."

"I'm going to train you."

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "This is so exciting!"

The next couple weeks insisted of school and training. Gotham Academy wasn't as terrible as my old school, and Artemis and I got become friends which was a plus. When I got home Bruce had me train for at least two hours everyday. I even got to train against Dick. He beat me though, which made me a bit irritated.

I had invited Artemis over to hangout after school today. She had the same expression as I did when I first saw the house. I gave her a tour, making sure not to show her everything if you know what I mean.

"I still can't believe you live here," she said.

"I know right," I said. "I still can't believe it myself. Would you like something to eat?"

"Sure," she said. 

I lead her into the kitchen where I found Dick. 

"This is my brother, Richard," I said.

"I already know who tha--," Dick said automatically, but then seemed to catch himself and add. "You mentioned her a bit before."

"I'm Artemis," she said. 

When we finished eating we went up to my room. We sat on my bed gossiping a bit about the people at school.

"But anyway, Kaia, your brother seems familiar," she said.

"I dunno, maybe you seen him before at school," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

When Artemis left I went to train. After finally perfecting the obstacle course and then working on my hand to hand combat, I took a breather and drank some water. I was sweating a bit and out of breath. The door opened and Bruce entered.

"I think you're finally ready," he said.

"For what?" I asked, completely clueless.

"To join the team," he said. 

"Really?" I asked. "I'll get to fight crime with Dick?"

"Yes, but first we'll need to get you a suit and a name."

"I'll have my own suit! Does this mean that I'll have my own weapons, too?"

"Yes," Bruce said, chuckling at my excitement.

"This is the best day of my life," I exclaimed. 

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