•Chapter Seven•

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         "Yoongi! Jimin! You guys home?"

Jimin stopped kissing Yoongi's neck in fear. They rushed off each other and put on whatever cloths they could find.

It's been a month and Yoongi has been spending a lot of time at Jimin's. None of their parents cared. Yoongi pulled a pair of boxers and sweat pant on as Jimin did the same.


"Down here mom!"

Jimin's mother starts to walk down the stairs as the boys laid on the bed, trying to act natural. Yoongi awkwardly cuddled up to Jimin while Jimin pretended to be on his phone.

"There you are, you boys want some dinner? I am making meatloaf"

"I think we are good" Jimin told his mother

"Okay, then I am going to go to bed"

"Ok, night"


Once his mother left the room, the boys started laughing.

"That was so fucking close!" Yoongi laughed

About three hours later, the two were asleep. Yoongi was being held by Jimin as his head rested on his shirtless chest.

The boys woke up to Jimin's alarm. They both got up and did their morning routine. Jimin's hand rested on Yoongi's waist as he brushed his teeth.

"How do you feel?" Jimin asked with a smirk

"How do you think? I spent the break getting fucked in the ass"

The school grave everyone a three day weekend. Everyone forgot why, they just wanted to get away from school.

Yoongi had on a grey sweatshirt, black jeans with holes in the knees, black beanie and his red converse while Jimin had on acid washed jeans, a pastel blue sweatshirt and back vans.

The couple walked into the school building, hand in hand. Taehyung walked up to the boys that were standing at Jimin's locker, with his arm around Jungkook.

"How was your weekend, you gays?" Taehyung asked

"Me and Yoongi cuddled all weekend" Jimin said as he rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder

"If you think having sex is cuddling. Sure. We cuddled all day"

They all laughed before continued to talk about their weekend.

"Me and Jungkook went to the new amusement park!"

"I loved it!" Jungkook spoke up

They spent the remaining time they had before class to talk about what they did over break.

"I think Namjoon is trying to win Jin over" Jimin said as he nodded to Namjoon and Jin, standing at Jin's locker

"Win him over from who?" Jungkook asked

"Kai, I thought they were dating?" Jimin replied

Taehyung shook his head, no and explained they kissed but that was it.

At lunch, everyone sat at their normal table. Taehyung next to Jungkook, Jin next to Namjoon, Jimin next to Yoongi. Jin and Namjoon were always the first to sit at the table.

As Jimin and Yoongi walked over they saw everyone else was already sitting. Jimin laughed while he sat down on one of the chair. Yoongi cringed, sitting in the chair next to Jimin.

"You ok?" Jimin chuckled at Yoongi

He gave Jimin a dirty look, Jimin knew why he cringed but still asked him if he was ok. Yoongi pushes his shoulder with a smile before taking a bite out of his apple.

Jimin held Yoongi's hand on top of the table as they eat. Everyone talked among them selfs while a brown haired boy walked up to them.

"Can I sit here?"

Jin smiled at the boy and nodded.

"Yeah, why no?" Jin asked

Yoongi wasn't paying attention, him and Jimin were talking about the next break coming up. Both of them couldn't wait for the next break, even if they just had one.

"Hoseok, hand me that water, would ya!" Namjoon said

Jimin looked over at the name. Even if Yoongi has forgiven Hoseok for everything that happened, Jimin couldn't help but think that Hoseok did everything. Everything online that he saw. Jimin watched Hoseok's every move.

"Hey" Yoongi tried to get Jimin's attention

Yoongi stood up and whispered in his ear "Daddy"

Jimin looked over from Hoseok, seeing Yoongi nudging him to get up. Jimin grabbed his backpack and stood up, holding Yoongi's hand.

"Come outside with me. I need a smoke" Yoongi said

His voice soothed Jimin as they walked outside. Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist with his head resting on his shoulder. As Yoongi inhaled the smoke, Jimin closed his eyes, holding Yoongi.

"He only did one thing, he didn't post those pictures. It's ok" Yoongi softly told Jimin

"I know but I can't help but to think he did it"

"Is it cause he is the only person you know did shit to me?"

Jimin didn't reply, he just hugged Yoongi tighter.

"Mark was the one I was with then you saw the photos with the red marks. They came from him. I can still show you the scars I have from him"

As tears slipped from Jimin's eyes, Yoongi didn't show much emotion.

"Jackson is the one who took any photos where his hands were down my pants or was clearly fucking me"

"Did you want it?" Jimin blurted Out

It took a moment for Yoongi to respond, cigarette still in between his fingers. Ash fell as smoke cane from it.


Jimin pulled himself away from Yoongi and stood in front of him.

"Where are they now?"

"Mark got arrested for abuse on me but mostly it was of the drugs he had. He sold too. Jackson is still in a mental hospital"

Lucky, no one was really around that area of the school.

"Why is he in the hospital?"

Yoongi looked down before taking another drag from the cigarette.

"Self harm. We pretty much did it together"

Jimin whipped his own tears as Yoongi spoke.

"He also showed me what smoking was. Half of the shit I do is because of him"

Jimin pulled the cigarette away from in between his lips and threw it on the ground. He grabbed Yoongi face, smashing his lips onto Yoongi's. Jimin could taste of the cigarettes coming off of Yoongi's soft lips.

Jimin was used to the smell and taste. It was that of weed because when he vapes, the smell usually doesn't stay on his clothing.

"I'm sorry I'm crazy" Yoongi said, pulling away from the kiss

"You not crazy. You different. And I love you for it"

Yoongi smiled and kissed Jimin again. As they pulled away, the bell rang.

"Skip?" Jimin asked

"Skip" Yoongi agreeded

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