Thirty-Five••Deceptive Distractions

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Sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at her whining sister, Valnia had no idea what she was doing. No idea what she believed, no idea what she felt. She wanted to think Melaynia had told as much of the truth as she was able. She might have known more, but... downright treacherous? Betraying everyone to the Impians? It couldn't be.

The sobbing girl used a tissue to mop up her tears. "I'm sorry."

Valnia held in the urge to help her, hold her, heal her. She had to keep a straight face, at least until she could be certain of Melaynia's guilt... or lack thereof.

"I never meant to... cause such a ruckus. But I had to... know. To make sure... they were the bad guys. And... they are," Melaynia hiccuped, "they are. I couldn't believe you, or Lexa... when you said the Eldians were good, honest. Only wanted... peace. The planet's well-being. They... were suspicious to me. I feared you were all... brainwashed. Robots. I had to be stupid before I figured out the real robots... were over there." She heaved, her breath stuck in her lungs. With a few coughs, she steadied herself and leaned into her pillow.

"Brainwashed? As in manipulated by the Eldians?" Valnia squinted at her sister. "You thought that of me?"

"I..." Melaynia pinched her lips and inhaled. "I didn't know you anymore."

"And that's what makes you immature and untrustworthy." Valnia shook her head and tutted. "You couldn't trust your elders, your leaders, those who created your kind. You chose to be stubborn and childish."

Cringing to suck in another wave of sobs, Melaynia twirled the blankets around her fingers and looked down. "I know, but... I couldn't. Those answers... I needed them. And see? I got them. The Impians are the evil ones. Selfish, cruel... they don't care about the humans they made. They'd... rather focus on a new breed and escape out into space."

Melaynia had braved immense obstacles, despite everything. She'd rebelled, but ended up discovering what everyone had wondered about—the Impian's objectives. They likely hadn't shown her everything, and might have had more in stock... but it was a start.

"I hated both, at first," said Melaynia, her voice a bit croaky as she let out a chuckle. "But after seeing the Impian Lair, their tricks, their torture... I made up my mind. I wouldn't allow them to doom our planet. The humans sacrificed for their thirst for exploration... it's disgusting."

Valnia bit the insides of her cheeks, pleading with herself to stay unemotional. But within, her guts tied into knots and her heart hammered, agonizing, yearning to take Melaynia in her arms and comfort her. She wondered how much of all this the Eldians had been aware of. Their reaction at Melaynia's revelation still bothered her. They'd played it off as if they'd imagined this horrific option but dismissed it. And yet... they were connected to the Impians. They shared a bond, visions, premonitions. They'd known.

Of course they did... it explains all the secrecy.

Her eyes widened at the realization swelling in her. The reality of what the Impians were doing, and what it would do to the Eldians. To the world.

"That bomb... it's real. I didn't see them put it in me, but... I feel it now. It's there, sis. Beating, alive, like a heart, almost." Melaynia peered up, her eyes red. "I only wanted to help... but I've made it worse. Put us both in trouble. The Impians... they're going to trap everyone somehow... but you and I, we'll die down here."

"So your bomb will detonate, erasing this Lair," Valnia stood and swiped at the air with her hand, "and the Impians will desert their side. Worsening the damage caused by the Rotation Halt."

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