“Someone’s been studying. Do you wanna come in? I have to be at work in an hour again, but I have time for a small chat."

“Sure, I’d love to, sir. I mean Mark.” Michael flashes a smile again.

“Come on in. Oh, and Joselyn, will you check the mail?” Dad moves a little to let Michael in.

I mutter something to dad before walking back to the mail box. There’s nothing. Some wasted steps I took.

When I get inside, dad and Michael are already up in some discussion about what processor is the best, or something like that. I’ve never been good with computers. I know the basics, like copy is ctrl + c and I know how to search for viruses. But how much space is on it or what a good operating system is – never really cared. Dad has tried to learn me some computer terms but nothing ever sticks. Like memory sticks. It’s the 21st century, they should have come up with something that lets you save all information, and then you can plug it into yourself. It would be very helpful.

I’ve just stepped out of the shower when Adam opens my bedroom door and sticks in his head. 

“Who’s the redhead?”

“His name is Michael. Get out of my room!” I’m standing there in a towel, completely naked underneath.

“Why does he have red hair? It looks weird.”

“You’re the one looking weird. And why don’t you go and ask him?”

“He’s your friend.”

Adam wrinkles his nose, looking even more puzzled, before his head disappears and I hear his door slam shut. I never really thought about Michael dying his hair and why. If he likes having blue or green or white hair, then it’s up to him. I’ve never dyed my hair, I preferred its natural color. I also read somewhere that dying your hair a lot will make you lose it and I don’t want to be bald.

I can still hear them discussing something when I walk down the stairs. 

“But the GH processor…”

“…would not work on the c24 because…”

“…of the screen.”

Great, they’re already finishing each other’s sentences. When did this happen? I hadn’t showered for that long.

“I had a great chat but I’ve gotta get going. Why don’t you swing by the office sometime next week, Michael? Here’s my card.”

“You’re inviting me in?”

“Sure! You know your stuff,” Dad smiles and shakes Michael’s hand again.

“Thank you, sir.”


“Sorry, I mean Mark. It was a pleasure talking to you,” Michael says as dad leaves the kitchen, saying goodbye to me and walks outside to the car.

“Your father is a great man.”

Michael’s eyes are almost glistening. Was he really into my dad? Ew.

“He sure is, and an even greater husband. I’m Juliet, Joselyn’s mother.” Mom creeps up behind me.

What is up with everyone creeping up behind me, lately? Am I becoming deaf?


He doesn’t even introduce himself as my friend. He doesn’t feel like a friend right now, he feels like a stranger. All of them do; my dad, mom and Michael. Not Adam. He's his usual self.

“Lovely to meet you. I heard you’re interested in IT?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“It’s Juliet.”

“Oh right, sorry. What a lovely home you have.”

“Why, thank you Michael. You know what…”

Michael ends up staying for lunch. Mom asks me if I want to join, but I refuse. It’s weird having Michael in my house, but it’s even weirder having him laughing around with not just my dad, but also my mom. Michael and mom are talking more than I have ever talked to mom, which is also weird, considering he’s known her for less than an hour, and I, my entire life. 

I can’t help but wonder why it is so easy for them. How they can start talking so fast. How do they find a topic? And how can they start laughing, just like that? I’ve never had it that simple. Except with Ashton. Everything is different with him. But it is still different. There have been silent moments between us. I don’t want to say awkward moments, because they haven’t been awkward. They have just been…silent moments. Good silent moments. I’m used to awkward moments, so I know the difference. My entire life has been one long awkward moment. Occasionally someone decides to say something, but I don’t always reply.

“Joselyn, can you get down here for a minute? Michael’s leaving.”

“Ugh,” I moan through the open door, hoping they won’t hear me.

“You don’t have to, I’ll see you around,” Michael shouts back and I hear my mom protest.

“Okay, bye,” I shout back.

I hear them chit chat a little more before the front door shuts.

“Is it really that hard to come down and say goodbye to your friend?” Mom stands by the end of the stairs looking up at me.

I shrug.

“He seems like a wonderful, caring guy. A bit odd, though.”


“Just gave me this odd vibe,” Mom shrugs and shakes her head. “What is up with you today? You don’t seem like yourself.”

Well, my parents get along with some random guy they just met and seem to love him more than they love me. And what does she mean, I don’t seem like myself? How’s that? Shy, quiet, sad, mad, crying at every word that is spoken to me?

“You’re actually acting like a teenager. You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m sure.”

At least I think so.


1. I know nothing about computers.

2. This is fiction, everything is made up. There's no such thing as a x360 3D laptop.

3. Thank you to everyone who's still reading this story after 16 chapters. I love you guys :D xx

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