chapter 16 ~Meri~

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I giggle and follow lance as he walks into a baby store. "Look at this!" Keith shows me a hippo onesie. "That's amazing!! Get me 2" I say as I grab it and put it into the cart. Keith laughs and puts another one in. "I found a dog one!" Lance says as he walks to me with a onesie that has dog ears, tail and a collar. "Nope, not gonna be the reason why my kid has a dog kink or something" lance bursts out laughing and Keith chuckles. Allura just looks at us confused. "I found a red lion one, there's also black, green, blue, purple and pink" she says as she shows me all of them. "I don't care if it might be a boy, he'll wear all of them, even the pink one" I grab all of them and put them in the cart. Lance Shows me a onesie that has an alien on it and says 'I come in peace' "I love it!" After an hour we had 20 bags with clothes, bottles, bibs, diapers, blankets, and many more things. "Are we gonna be able to fit all of this in the car?" Lance says as he struggles with the bags. I giggle and snap my fingers. Immediately 4 guys walk up to us and evenly take the bags. "Take them to Rudy" the men nod and walk away. "Woah, how did you do that?" Keith says astonished."I'm rich, and popular. If I wanted people would carry me around and I wouldn't have to lift my finger" Allura looks at me surprised. "I could never do that! I always had to do something on my planet" I giggle and walk to the food court."what do you guys want to eat?"

{13 minutes}

I drive back to the mansion, and lance starts singing. "Suavemente.... Besa me..."i smirk and let the car drive itself. Allura freaked out but i put on a song and start driving again. "What song did you put?" lance asks. "espera horita vas a saber" lance smirks And keith looks confused. "Besa besa me un poquito" lance sings. "Cuando tu me besas me ciento en el aire por eso cuando te veo comienzo a besarte" lance and i continue to sing until we arrive at the mansion. Allura and Keith smile as the song ends and get out. Lance climbs out and starts dancing and humming the song. We walk inside and go to the dining room."okay I got a different song esta tan linda, esta tan rica, tiene tremendo" I look at lance. "CULO" lance yells causing me to laugh. Ciel looks at me confused but shrugs it off. "Don't say that word!" Sage yells. They pull my ear "comportarte, sí no le voy a decir a tu novio de que hiciste cuando miraste a la niña bonita"(behave or not I'm gonna tell your boyfriend what you did when you saw the pretty girl) I groan "no le digas! No es mi culpa que Pidge es tan guapa y tiene un cu-"(don't tell him! Its not my fault pidge is beautiful and that she has an a-) before I can finish sage hits my head. "Que te dije?! Comportarte!! Te estas comportando como mama cuando estaba embarazada" (what did I tell you?! Behave! You're acting like mom when she was pregnant) I smile at her and do jazz hands. " De verdad estas embarazada?!"(you're really pregnant?!) i nod. Sage cheers and hugs me. "What's going on?"ciel says confused. "Yeah I want to know what she said about me" pidge says confused. Lance whispers something to Keith and he starts laughing. "She said that?! Meri!!" Keith yells as he continues to laugh. "What! I'm not lying!" I smile. "De quien es el bebe?" (They're basically asking Who is the father) They ask "es de mi novio, que pensaste que estaba acostando me con todos?"(its my boyfriend's, what did you think I'm sleeping with everyone) Sage shakes their head and laugh. "Sabe?"(does he know?) I shake my head and sheepishly smile at them. "Cuando le vas a decir? Necesita saber, es el padre!"(when are you gonna tell him? He needs to know, he's the father) Sage yells. I groan. "Le voy a decir en una cemana, so ya calmante"(in a week, now calm down) sage smiles "pero no estoy mintiendo Pidge es muy bonita, pero tengo un novio so nunca va a trabajar, y ella esta con l otra niña. Puedes crear que se fue y se enamoro con ella, cuando yo estaba llorando porque no la podía encontrar! Y pretendió que nunca estábamos juntas!!!"(but I'm not lying pidge is so beautiful, but I have a boyfriend so its never gonna work out, and she's with the other girl. Can you believe that she went and fell in love with her,when I was crying because I couldn't find her! And she pretended that we never dated!) Sages eyes widen. Sage starts cussing in Spanish and walks to pidge. "Olle loca ven pa ca" I say as I smile. Sage looks at me and sighs. They walk to me and smile sadly. "Did all that really happen?!" Lances eyes widen as he looks at me, then at pidge. "Oh shit, I forgot you understand Spanish" lance looks at me sadly. "I'm so sorry to hear that meri...I..I never knew!" He stands up and hugs me. I giggle and hug him back. "Its fine! Really, it doesn't matter. As long as she's happy, I'll be happy" I smile at him and walk to ciel. I sit on his lap and hug him. "What's with the sudden hug?" Ciel whispers as he hugs me back. "I realized that you're the only one I need. That it doesn't matter what happened in the past or what I went through cause it brought me to you" I smile and kiss his cheek.

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