Chapter 11 ~Ciel~

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I walk into the mall and see shiro with Cosette. "Hey shiro! Do you know where Meri is?" I say. Shiro looks at me with a worried look."I...I'm gonna be honest with you, we don't know where she is. She said she'd be back in 15 minutes but she never came back. We've looked everywhere for her, but we can't find her. Even Rudy is freaking out." I run to Rudy. "Rudy what's happening" I say as I see his eyes they're dark gray...meaning he's scared "I don't know Meris missing and her tracker isn't working whoever took her knows about it an-" Rudy then starts mumbling to himself. I groan and look around. Wait what is that? I see a mint looking drink spilled on the floor and pick it up. "Rudy come look at this!" I say as I pass him the drink. Rudy's eyes widen. "Oh no" he drops it and pulls me away from it. "What the hell?!" I yell as I look at him, weirded out. "That is not good for demons, it weakens us and removes out powers for 3 days. And without our powers we become even more weaker." Rudy explains as he looks around. "Ciel I need you to close your eyes and focus on Meri okay?" I nod and close my eyes. I focus on her and see a pathway. I then see a vision of her screaming as a guy hits her with a whip. My eyes widen and look around. "Wha-" I run towards the path I saw. Rudy follows me. "What did you see?!" He yells. "They're abusing her" I yell as I realize it's too far. I then Climb up a building to try to see the location. I see what I'm looking for and jump down the building. There Sebastian catches me. "What the fuck?!"I yell as I glare at him. "Don't want you getting hurt, so I'll fight and you get Lady Meri." He says as he puts me down. Rudy jumps down and lands beside us. "Let's go" we run to the building and notice that its abandoned. Right there Agneta and lewis are. " could you do this?!" Rudy yells eyes glowing red. "I'm sorry... But father found me..." Lewis attacks Rudy. Agneta smirks at me and tries to hit me but gets stopped my Sebastian. "Ciel go get her!" Rudy yells as he kicks lewis back. I nod and run in. The only thing I hear is Meris screams and her pleading for forgiveness. I run to the source but get stopped by a man. "Where you going buddy?" He says as he smirks at me. I notice that he has green hair and turquoise eyes. "Get out of my way" I say as I get ready to fight. "Never" the man tries to attack me but gets pulled back by someone. I look to see who it is and see "Lizzie?!" I yell surprised. "You do not hurt my fiancé" she yells as she kicks the man. The man groans and nods. I try to move past Lizzie but she blocks my way. "Lizzie move" I say as my eyes start turning red. "Sorry ciel I can't do that... Meri deserves what's happening to her, she's taking you away from me!! I can't let that happen!" Lizzie yells as she pulls out 2 swords. "I'm sorry ciel...but you can't get through" I look at her surprised. "Fine..." Lizzie smiles as I say that and puts her weapons down. "See?you don't need her" Lizzie hugs me. I pull out my knife and stab her in the back. "I'm sorry..." I let Lizzie fall down and run past her. I run to the room Meri's in and immediately get hit with emotions. Anger... Distress... Sadness... This isn't just from one person, its coming from two people I hear Meri scream louder. "Father let me go please! I never did anything wrong!" Her screams become louder and then become silent. I try to open the door but realize that its locked. I kick the door twice causing it to fall and look around. I see Meri strapped to a machine. Her veins glowing blue and her eyes fully black. Her hair is a mess and color looks faded. I walk to her realizing that whoever was here just vanished. I touch Meris arm but she screams in pain and starts crying. "Meri calm down" I softly say, pity in my voice. I turn off the machine and unhook Meri. Her veins continue to glow but her eyes turn back to normal. She looks at me but then passes out. I grab her bridal style and carry her out. On the way I see Lizzie. Her eyes now lifeless and blood coming out of her mouth. I look away and walk out. There I see a bloody Sebastian, a beat up Rudy and an unconscious lewis. I pass Meri to Rudy causing her to scream in agony. Rudy's eyes widened as he passes her back to me, which causes her to stop screaming. Rudy looks at me then Meri. "We should get her back to the mansion." Rudy says pulling out his phone. I nod and look at Meri.

2 hours later

Meri finally woke up and gets out of bed. I hug her, which apparently scared her cause she squeaked. "Ciel!" She smiled and hugged me back. I look at her and kiss her. She slowly kisses back. I pull away and sadly smile at her. "Meri..." I kiss her cheeks them her eye lids, and her nose, Causing her to giggle. I finally kiss her lips again. "What's.... With...the...kisses?" Meri says as she continues to pull away but I keep on kissing her. "Don't you dare ever leave me again" I say as I kiss her one more time. She kisses back,but we get interrupted by everyone entering. "Meri!" They all yell as they hug her. Meri giggles and hugs them all back, one by one. "You scared us!" Shiro says as he hugs Meri. I chuckle and pull Meri to me. "Okay everyone calm down, she experiences pain every time someone unexpectedly touches her." Everyone looked at me surprised. "Really" Lance says. Hunk pokes Meri causing her to whimper in pain, a bruise formed on her arm from where he poked her and her veins start to glow blue again. Meri starts hissing in pain and backs up, tripping over one of Cosette's toys. She falls down, causing her more pain. She starts scooting back and when she touches the wall her eyes widen and she yelps in pain. Her entire body starts becoming covered in bruises and she continues to hiss in pain. Rudy suddenly throws a blanket over her, causing her to whimper and hiss more. "Rudy what the hell?!" I yell as I glare at him. "Her horns are showing" he whispers to me. I nod. Everyone looks horrified. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize that was gonna happen!" Hunk says as he looks at Meri sadly. Meri slowly stands up and pulls the blanket off, the white of her eyes are black, yet her irises are still turquoise. Her body is still covered in bruises and her veins still glowing yet...she smiled at hunk. "Its fine" hunk looks at her surprised. "Are you sure? You're covered in bruises, and your eyes....oh my god your eyes!" Lance says as he examines them. Meri just giggles. "Its fine trust me, I've gone through worse" pidge flinched when Meri said that. "How did you experience worse...if you don't mind me asking" Allura says. Meri just smiles. "3 years ago the garisson found out that I was looking for you guys, they didn't like it, so they took me away. They accidentally gave me something that caused a bad reaction, and they started experimenting me. They cut me open to examine me more, and since they couldn't put me to sleep, I experienced it while awake." Everyone stays silent. I growl how dare they do that to her "it didn't last long after a month they sent me to space with no helmet or anything, to see if I'd survive. I was caught by someone before I Was able to die. But they took me to this place and then an evil lady experimented on me for...1 years until I was able to escape, I helped others escape, got them on ships, and then this altean lady helped me by taking me on her ship. She was able to get us to earth through this wormhole like thing. Then I met Rudy, he said he's been looking for me for years. I felt like I could trust him so I followed him" Meri's eyes turn back to normal and her bruises start disappearing. "Mama!" Cosette yells. Meri smiles at everyone. "If you'll excuse me, I need to see what my daughter needs" Meri walks away as everyone stands there, surprised. "So...she was up there.... And spent an entire year... Prisoned... And was able escape, along with an entire fleet of people" shiro says. I clear my throat. "Well we should eat something. Its dinner time, and the fellow guests are here" I say causing everyone to walk to the dining room. I hear some music playing in Cosette's room and walk over there. There I see Meri and Cosette dancing. I smile and after the song finishes I knock. "Its time for dinner. Come eat" Meri smiles at me and nods. She picks us Cosette and walks to the dining room. I follow and see Sebastian staring at me. "What?" Sebastian chuckles. "You're growing up" i roll my eyes. "Shut it, let's go eat" Sebastian nods and walks to the dining room. I walk in and sit next to Meri. Everyone is eating and talking. I look around seeing my servants along with Meris, eating at the same table as us, and looking very happy. Meri smiles at me and kisses my cheek. "You should eat before your food gets cold." I smile and nod. I could get use to this

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