Prologue Part1

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20 years ago

The werewolf kingdom.

Queen Kali looked out of the window of her bedroom. It was raining lightly but the smell of the woods and rain was so pleasant she itched to run downstairs and shift into her majestic wolf, howl and go hunt in the woods.

But that would have to wait for another time because her husband, the Alpha, the werewolf King Vasant Agarwal, came home today from a long journey. She knew he was soon gonna come looking for her, after he dismissed his men.

Just the thought of seeing him again after two long weeks made her giddy like a teenage girl and put the biggest smile on her face, as if they weren't already married and with two kids.

She looked at the portrait of her beautiful little family hanging on the wall of their bedroom. Her King was a very handsome man and the strongest warrior their kingdom has seen in decades.

She had a crush on him way before they got married. Back in the time she was the daughter of the then Beta and he was the son of the then werewolf King. Her friends all teased her for having a crush on him. They said he'd end up marrying her anyways since she was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom and the daughter of the Beta, no less.

Despite all that, she had hesitated diving into believing that he'd marry her, because he was a man-whore and there weren't many she-wolves in the Royal City who hadn't already warmed his bad at least once.

That's why when he asked her to marry him she was beyond happy. How many girls got to marry the person they had crushed on for years?

But when he didn't stop his man-whoring ways even after their marriage, her confidence hit an all time low. She became obsessed with looking perfect for him at all times. She learnt cooking, baking, knitting and doing the house chores when she didn't have to. She did them to impress him, to make him love her or at least like her. She also never talked back to him, never voiced her opinions, she agreed with everything he said and did everything he demanded of her and exactly the way he demanded it. She acted like a completely submissive wolf for him. She put his happiness before hers and when he was happy with her, she was happy.

When he gave her, her two sons, she became happy like never before. Her sons and her husband were her world.

Her bedroom door opened and the king burst through the bedroom door.

He was so tall, broad, dark and handsome. His presence held so much raw alpha strength. She swoon for a moment.

She quickly composed herself and went to him. They might not be mates but he was the only man she'd ever truly love.

"My king, would you like me to draw you a bath?" she asked him, taking his heavy mantle and coat off of him and putting them on the hangers of his wardrobe.

"That can wait" he said gripping her wrist and taking her to the bed "We need to talk."

She sat on the bed in front of him and smiled at him "Of course. Is there anything you need, my king?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his face "Kali, I found my mate."

At first Kali kept smiling at him. A force of habit. She never complained, never got angry and never asked anything from him. She had always put him first and had forgot about herself.

"I found my mate" he said again, slowly this time, like he thought she was too stupid to understand.

Kali's smile fell off of her face as she felt a sharp pain piercing her heart.

"Look, I know you've been a good wife and mother, but I've found my mate now. I love her, I want to marry her and make her the werewolf Queen, it's her rightful place. She"ll also be the mother of my sons from now on" he informed her.

The fact that he never used the word love with her, even though she did everything for him, and now it had fallen effortlessly out of his mouth for another woman, didn't go unnoticed by Kali. Kali's worst nightmare was playing in front of her and she didn't know how much more of it she could take before screaming, crying or throwing a fit.

"My king, but I'm your Queen and your sons are my sons too" she pleaded with a weak voice, barely holding in her tears.

His face instantly hardened; it was the first time Kali talked back to him instead of just agreeing with whatever he said.

He got up from the bed "Listen Kali, I don't want any drama from you" he said looking angry "I'll be marrying my mate in a week from now, on the night of full moon, and officially make her the Luna Queen of this pack and kingdom" he took a step towards her and gave her a hard stare "By then I want you out of the castle and back to wherever hole you crawled out from. My sons will stay here in the castle, as they will have to fulfill their birthright as werewolf Princes."

She was sobbing now and chocked on her tears but he just looked at her with more anger and disgust on his face.

"Please, don't do this" she got on the floor and begged him on her knees, holding onto his legs "please, I'll better myself, I'll work harder. Please, don't destroy our family like this."

He kicked her away like she was some disgusting bug and not his wife, the mother of his children. She hit her head to the bedside table and her head started throbbing painfully.

"My family will be perfect once you're out of it" he spat at her with full on rage.

Her heart broke some more.

"Did...Did you...Did you ever love me?" she asked him in between sobs.

He looked at her like she was the most pathetic creature to ever exist and laughed "Love you? You? You're just one of the many whores I fucked. You'll never be anything more to me."

With those words he shattered something deep within her.

Kali stopped crying.

"I see" she said getting up and wiping her tears away "I'm sorry for being a whore" she bowed apologetically "I'll be gone before the week is up, my king."

He gave a repulsed stare at her face. "You better" he said through gritted teeth. 

As he stormed out of the room, loud thunders resonated outside.

Kali scoffed at how she lied to him for the first time and then laughed at how easily that came out of her mouth. She felt like a different person. Then again, who was ever the same without a heart. He had killed all the good in her that day.

She had lived her entire life being his perfect trophy Luna, only to be thrown away with humiliation when he didn't need her anymore. In that moment she knew she was gonna kill him or at least die trying. 

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