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The next Imagine will be out very soon it's just I want to get this off my dam chest.This is kinda gonna be the same message I had on my conversation board.

Ik Ik it's kinda stupid to be upset over this but read it...

Hey guys I wanted to let you know something that comes form my heart. On July 31st 2017 I published my book "bulls meet your bronx".It was struggle at first writing it cause i didn't have a phone at the time and I had major writers block.

The series has now progressed into what's now six books (if you included the spin off).

I worked hours, days , weeks, and months to get to where the series is now. I'm extremely proud of this book series and it would mean a lot to me if you guys would check it out.

I'm saying this form the bottom of my heart i love the bulls meet your bronx series.To be completely honest I would hate to see it go to waist.

I remember the first day I thought about it I remember thinking hard about a plot and trying to think of a story line. In the end I came up with this and what the first book ended up being.

Vic Fuentes had lived a rough life him and his brother Mike have spent the past 2 years searching for there missing sister Decker. The brothers have been focused on there band Pierce the veil for while now but one day while at school Vic Runs into his sister's old best friend Kamryn Vic starts to fall for her but then one day Decker returns home out of the blue this changes everything. Why would the Police lie about her death ??? Nobody knows secrets will be reveled........

July 31st will be the one year date since I published the first book. So please do me a huge favour and go check it out....I would love feedback and some appreciation❤️

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