Duality (T.H)

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A/n: Warning if you don't like extreme Heavy mental then don't read this imagine because this song is heavy and extreme. I'm doing one more song imagine before I leave for Disney and it has to be this song...🎧💗~Hollyquinn7❤️

P.s: Not an x-Reader and Tell me what you think...?

Riot's Point of view

I've done a lot of things In my life but this has to be the worst of it...

I'm Riot Parker and I'm a fugitive of the law, I've committed a lot of crimes but this crime

I never even committed...

I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache

I'm being accused of murder. Yeah I said it murder...I knew form the beginning I was being framed

It's cause well I could never hurt a single fly...

My boyfriend Tom says he could get me out of it....My baby boy is the biggest and baddest criminals out there...he's never been caught...

But it's made of all the things I have to take Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside
If the pain goes on

They call us Bonnie and Clyde but me and boy are a little worse then those two.

What's on today's Schedule baby"Tom asks me

I looked at him and shrugged? "Idk I'm not in the mood for any crime committing" I told my boyfriend. 

He gave me a look but shrugged it off "You know Riot, I know you didn't kill him" Tom

I rolled my eyes

I have screamed until my veins collapsed I've waited last, my time's elapsed Now, all I do is live with so much fate

"Don't roll your eyes at me"Tom says with a small gasp.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes again and laugh

I've wished for this, I've bitched at that
I've left behind this little fact, You cannot kill what you did not create I've gotta say what I've gotta say

My breath held in for a moment Knowing that one I'm being accused of murder and two I want to find out who framed me.

Why I was framed? That's another thing I want to find out as well...

And then I swear I'll go away But I can't promise you'll enjoy the noise I guess I'll save the best for last My future seems like one big past

Tom and I drove around the city for a bit.

I had this feeling that we were being followed but I didn't know for sure.

"you alright babe?" Tom asks me as I continue to look behind us

You're left with me 'cause you left me no choice I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache

I turned back around and shook my head "I-I don't know I feel like where being followed" I told him.

Tom then started driving fast and I mean really fast.

"Tommy slow down" I yelled at him, "RIOT WILL YOU BE QUIET FOR ONE SECOND" Tom screamed

If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it!
Pull me back together Or separate the skin from the bone Leave me all the pieces, and

I went quiet after that, I didn't want to say another word or he would scream at me again.

The rest of the drive tom seemed extremely anxious. I would have asked him why but I didn't know.

I was to scared to ask at this point.

then you can leave me alone Tell me the reality is better than dream But I found out the hard way, Nothing is what it seems!

After a while tom and I switched and i was the one driving.

Why we were driving i don't know but i hope before we leave I find out who framed me.

I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache But it's made of all the things I have to take

As I drove I could feel that someone was following us I had the true gut feeling

I looked through the review mirror and saw a black car tailing us...

Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside
If the pain goes on  All I've got, all I've got is insane

I stepped on the gas and made a break for it I drove as fast as I could....

My heart was Racing and I was scared until...

I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache But it's made of all the things I have to take

"RIOT LOOK OUT" Tom yells...

"AHHHH" I screamed.....CRASH...

Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside
If the pain goes on

All went black after that......

Tom Holland Imagines 2🎥❤️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat