Jurassic World 3(T.H)

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Y/n's point of view

She's already annoyed by his line of questioning.

"The lab delivers us new assets and we show them to public"Claire says as She looks to Nick

"Can we drop a steer, please?"she as An annoyed Nick presses a button.

Owen looked an not relenting look "How long has the animal been in here?"He asked

"All its life"She says

My eyes widened you kept that thing in there it's entire life.

That's not gonna ended very well if you ask me.....

"Never seen anything outside of these walls?" I said. "We can't exactly walk it"Claire tells us

There's a rumbling noise outside and a huge crane lowers a hunk of beef down from above.

"And you feed it with that?"My brother points out  Claire isn't getting it, seeming bemused and still mildly annoyed.

Is there a problem?"She asks

"Animals raised in isolation aren't always the most functional kind. "Owen says to her

"Your raptors are born in captivity..."Claire says I rolled my eyes

"With siblings. They learn social skills. And I imprint on them when they're born. There's trust. The only positive relationship this animal has is with that crane. At least she knows that means food" I said with a light snack

We all seem increasingly concerned, but Claire isn't sharing are opinion. She adopts a very patronizing, sarcastic tone.

"So she needs a friend? We should schedule play dates? That sort of thing?"Claire says

My brother says darkly "Probably not a good idea"

Noticing the dinosaur hasn't emerged from the jungle to eat the meat, Claire leans over and taps on the glass.

"Where is it...?"Claire says

Now it's Owen's turn to be sarcastic "What, is it in the basement? Is there a downstairs? Maybe it's in the rec room"My brother says I chuckled at his words

Ignoring us, Claire shakes her head.

"It was just here. We were just here" Claire says

She goes to one of the thermal imaging consoles and activates it. It performs a scan of the jungle. After a moment it emits an annoyed buzzing sound and flashes the readout "NO THERMAL SIGNATURES DETECTED."

The other computer screens arranged around the room begin beeping in alarm and they all show the same words.

They're not detecting any body heat inside the paddock. The Indominus rex isn't showing up.

"Oh, Shoot"Tom says

We walk over to a window at the far end of the room."That doesn't make any sense. These doors haven't been opened in weeks"Nick says

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